Thursday, August 30, 2018

Re: How can i add the same string to many lines ?

On 08/30/2018 10:01 AM, Antharia Jack wrote:
> Hello everyone ?


> I would like to add target="_blank" to all my href in a html file.

Okay. That seems odd, but you do your own thing.

> I would like to say to vim : add this string after the second " symbol
> of each line where is the word href.

Can you provide an example?

I'd be inclined to try a regular expression like the following.

:%s/<a href=\(.\{-1,}\)>/<a href=\1 target="_blank">/g

Use a non-greedy wildcard match to find an anchor tag (assuming it
starts with href) and append the target="_blank" to the end.

> For now i just use the dot command to each line.

That's annoying, especially if you have a LOT of anchor tags to change.

> Thanks for reading.


Grant. . . .
unix || die

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