Thursday, August 16, 2018

Re: how can I replace two lines into one line

On 16/08/2018 09:21, Sand Glass wrote:
> I have many files, each file have the code block:
> #########
> `define DLY \
> 1
> ##########
> I want to change it to:
> #########
> `define DLY 1
> ##########
> by the way, the line ending is '\r\n', windows style.

Perhaps something like:

:bufdo g/^`define/norm JXX

:bufdo = Repeat the following command in all open buffers
:g/^`define/ = Execute command in all line starting with `define
norm JXX = Execute JXX in Normal mode
J = Join with next line
XX = Delete two characters before the cursor (to remove \)

Hope this helps,

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