Thursday, August 9, 2018

Re: Is it a matter of Unix ABC, B-A-BA', basics, school stuff, RTFM ?

Em sábado, 30 de junho de 2018 19:43:34 UTC-3, Eric Christopherson escreveu:
> On Sat, Jun 30, 2018 at 1:02 PM, Renato Fabbri <> wrote:
> Em domingo, 24 de junho de 2018 05:05:17 UTC-3, Christian Brabandt  escreveu:
> > On Sa, 23 Jun 2018, Renato Fabbri wrote:
> >
> > >
> >
> > Please do not make us all click here random faceboook pages. Rather
> > either keep the discussion here or there. You might as well post a
> > summary of that page.
> >
> > Best,
> > Christian
> > --
> > Ein Glaube, der unruhig macht, ist Aberglaube.
> >               -- Carl Ludwig Schleich
> I am really sorry.
> Maybe I sould have given a short description.
> It is the same content of this email, in another Vim users group.
> It would be helpful if you'd explain in plain English what your question is. From the body of your message, it looks like you're just asking* if Vim is the right tool for writing and reading; that's incredibly subjective and open-ended. But your subject line doesn't make any sense to me.
> * At least I'm assuming you're asking a question, since you end it with two question marks; but your sentence doesn't include the word order inversion usually used of questions in English, and has a period at the end, so it looks like a statement.

I am very sorry for the nonstandard English.

My question makes sense for some people, as some of the responses

Maybe this is a more general audience formulation:

- is Vim the standard tool for editing
(and reading and browsing as an extension,
for the needs of a human text writer)?

the answer is a neat 'it depends', IMHO (in my humble opinion).
But consider it in the Linux tradition/school.

I tend to think that Vim or Emacs would be the
"correct" tools in this sense.
But I have seen skillful programmers deal pretty
well with text also using Sublime, Atom,
and other more recent text editors.

As the musical instrument imposes an idiom to the music
(guitar music has arpeggios, percussive rhythms, etc),
the tool a human writer uses (potentially) dictates the
skills and produced artifacts (s)he reaches.

That Vim is *a* standard tool,
I think we all agree.
Some here manifested a (potentially) positive opinion about Vim
being *the* standard (for the human text writer).
Which is somewhat interesting and expected.

The motivation of this thread is to see how other
participants of this list understand this issue.
RTFM (read the fucking manual) is a
free culture motto.
As Vi(m) is available in (almost?) all GNU/Linux distributions (and thus standard manuals),
maybe there are other serious reasons for understanding Vim
as a matter of (redundant pleonasm standard) text-editing protocol.

Maybe the GNOME school
(of connecting people to spawn welfare through magick)
is not so attached to Vim, or is
based on it, etc... Who knows, and why not ask?
What about other schools.
Are there indications in the Slackware divinized
documentation (manuals)?
I am not the one to know all this (by heart)
and the list might yield interesting insights.

Is now this thread anywhere clearer?

PS. we (humans?) have since always been updating the Guttenberg Galaxy:

PS2. I don't mean to sound as trippy as this message, but the thread/issue
does mingle philosophy; linux, hacker and free culture; cognition; in text editing, not only for programming. This is why I am writing for your assistance.

Best regards,

> --
> --
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> --
>         Eric Christopherson

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