Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Re: It is impossible to join unless you have a google account

Ruben Safir wrote:

> On 08/07/2018 12:13 PM, David Woodfall wrote:
> > While I agree that it's important to be aware of tracking, privacy
> > and similar issues, /every/ mailing list hoster only has to check his
> > maillog to see the IPs and other info about the posters
> That is no excuse to expose that information to a third party,
> particularly a company that actively tracks people like google does.
> This stalking behavior on the part of various companies, particularly
> google and amazon, is not acceptable. And FWIW, this is not a privacy
> issue. Stalking someone is different than just invading someones
> privacy. It is a whole other level of criminal behaviors which if an
> individual did such a thing in the physical world, they would simply be
> arrested.

There is no such thing as stalking. That's like saying the Gmail reads
your mail. It's data processing, nothing else. No human ever looks at

Save the plankton - eat a whale.

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