Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Re: Understanding automatic vimrc sourcing

On Di, 21 Aug 2018, Oleksii Vilchanskyi wrote:

> However, if I try wrapping it in a function, E127 occurs:
> > set nocompatible
> > filetype plugin indent on
> > syntax on
> >
> > augroup vimrc
> > autocmd!
> > autocmd BufWritePost testvimrc call s:ReloadRC("testvimrc")
> > augroup END
> >
> > function! s:ReloadRC(rc)
> > exec 'source ' . a:rc | echom "Reloaded " . a:rc
> > endfunction
> Whenever I do :w, I see:
> > E127: Cannot redefine function <SNR>1_ReloadRC: It is in use

Yes, what happens when you execute the function is, you reload your
.vimrc which will redefine your function, while the function is
executed. This is not allowed and causes the error message. Either do
not use a function, or define your function inside e.g.
~/.vim/plugins/reload.vim or similar.

Jeder Mensch ist einzigartig.
-- Benedetto Croce

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