Monday, August 6, 2018

Re: why is cut and paste broken on X11?

On 2018-08-06, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> Well, I can't speak for you, but I've been using gvim (with GTK2 GUI)
> for years on X11 and for me copy, cut and paste work with no problems.

I generally run vim in an xterm on X11, but I've also done so for
years with copy, cut and paste working fine.

> The workings of the X11 clipboard may have to need some getting used
> to ....

I got frustrated with the two X11 cut buffers and having to think
about which held what and how to access each one, so I now install
a clipboard manager, either autocutsel or Parcellite, on my systems
running X11 and configure it to sync the clipboard with the
primary selection.

I also have the following in my ~/.vimrc so that everything I yank
to the unnamed register is copied to the clipboard and everything
copied to clipboard from other applications is also copied to the
unnamed register. This can be annoying at times, but it is handy
more often than annoying, so it works well for me.

if has("clipboard")
set clipboard^=unnamed


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