Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Re: What are these symbols in my Vim gutter?

On Thu, Sep 13, 2018 at 2:24 AM Carl Caulkett <> wrote:
> macOS 10.14 Mojave beta 10
> NeoVim 0.3.1
> I've installed the spf13.vim package from Steve Francia, and while it is excellent, there are a few features that I would like to remove, as Steve himself suggests.
> One of which is the ! and + symbols which appear in the gutter in the attached image. They look like they are Git related showing added and deleted lines or something like that.
> Can anyone have a look at the image and identify whether it comes from a vim plugin or whether it is from a config setting in .vimrc.
> Thanks,
> Carl

These ! and + signs in the margin look like "signs". See ":help sign.txt".

To know if they are, use
:sign list
(followed by Enter), it will tell you about all the currently defined
signs and their attributes. Maybe (I'm not sure, I don't use signs
myself) it will tell you where they were defined if you use ":verbose
sign list" instead.

See also
:help 'signcolumn'

Here too, ":verbose set signcolumn?" will tell you where it was set,
unless it was just left at its default (which is "auto") or unless it
was last set manually from the command-line.

Best regards,

Best regards,

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