Friday, October 5, 2018

Re: E121 : Undefined variable: paste#paste_cmd on Vim 8.1 1-436 second launch

Le jeudi 27 septembre 2018 13:32:02 UTC+2, Ni Va a écrit :
> Le jeudi 27 septembre 2018 12:52:21 UTC+2, Tony Mechelynck a écrit :
> > It looks to me like a case of out-of-date runtime files (but I could
> > be mistaken). Please check the last change dates of the following as
> > displayed near the top of each file (I'm listing the dates I see
> > there):
> >
> > $VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim 2018 May 17
> > $VIMRUNTIME/autoload/paste.vim 2017 Aug 30
> >
> > paste#paste_cmd should be a Dictionary with keys 'n' 'v' and 'i' each
> > corresponding to a String. Line 163 of menu.vim is here too the first
> > line where it is referenced.
> >
> > Note that it is NOT recommended to source the vimrc in an already
> > running instance of Vim. The recommended way to make Vim take note of
> > a modified vimrc is to shut Vim down properly then restart it.
> >
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Tony.
> Ok after a Check,
> 1/ Tony, I got the good runtime files this time. check of "paste#paste_cmd should be a Dictionary with keys 'n' 'v' and 'i' " is OK
> 2/ Ken, second launch is just to say that I launch Vim two times.
> Effectively I don't use official installer but just put Vim main dir into %tmp% dir of local user under whatever Windows 64 32 bits, Physical or Virtual machine
> I cannot detail explicitly all tasks I do out of
> 2.1 opening gvim, exploring dir with netrw, making current dir explored to current pwd and finding some string into files recursively with ripgrep.
> 2.2 Then using a own vimscript to convert encapsulated vbscript into viewable bscript, extracting feature, modifying and restoring modified vbscript, saving a file then closing gvim.
> 3/ Not reproduced after several tests on VM or Physical machines under Windows Seven 64 or 32.
> Will consider that it was a bad copy of main dir own distribution.
> Thank you, sorry for inconvenience.
> NiVa

Confirmed that the problem is not reproduced with release v8.1.0451 from

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