Friday, October 5, 2018

Re: from the old vi faq - squeezing blank/empty lines

On Fri, Oct 5, 2018, 20:24 Sven Guckes <> wrote:
* 2018-09-30 Eli the Bearded:
> :v/./$s/$/<ctrl-v><enter>./|'';/./-1j|$d
> Replaces multiple blank lines with just one blank line.

* 2018-09-30 Mikolaj Machowski <>:
> What's wrong with: :%s/\n\n\+/\r\r/

* Tony Mechelynck <> [2018-10-01 15:06]:
> or with :%s/^\_s*\n/\r
> Variation: the same, plus suppress end-of-line whitespace:
> :%s/\_s*\n/\r
> (both of these use the fact that * means "as many as possible")

i always used this one:

works for me :)


Likewise (with a user command called DeleteMultipleLines, which seems much slower to type, admittedly). However, the versions Tony and Mikolaj espoused are probably more obviously understood, especially by those who didn't cut their teeth in the original vi world.



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