Monday, October 15, 2018

Re: _vimrc loading fails

Le lundi 15 octobre 2018 14:35:43 UTC+2, Christian Brabandt a écrit :
> On Mo, 15 Okt 2018, Ni Va wrote:
> > Ok so I don't understand why in one case $vim/vimfiles/colors/nivacolors.vim are loaded on computer A and in other case it is not.
> >
> > This load is called from $MYVIMRC : colors nivacolors.cim
> >
> > The only thing I note is difference directory from which gvim is launched.
> >
> > Computer A (OK) : D:\Softwares\Vim\vim81\gvim.exe
> > Computer B (KO) : ~\Desktop\Vim\vim81\gvim.exe
> Please provide a minimum reproducible example. My guess is you have $VIM
> or $VIMRUNTIME or your runtime setting setup differently, but you do not
> provide enough information.
> Christian

Computer A (OK) : Windows 10

echo $VIM gives D:\Logiciels\Vim
echo $VIMRUNTIME gives D:\Logiciels\Vim\vim81

Computer B (KO) : Windows Seven

echo $VIM gives C:\users\foobar\desktop\Vim_x86\Vim_x86
echo $VIMRUNTIME gives C:\users\foobar\desktop\Vim_x86\Vim_x86\vim81

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