Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Re: Why does this mapping move my cursor?


Chris Lott schrieb am 10.10.2018 um 21:05:
> I have a mapping in my .vimrc :
> nnoremap <leader>md :write<CR><bar>:silent !open -a '' '%:p'<CR>
> When I invoke the map, my cursor in Vim moves to the beginning of the
> line. This doesn't happen if I run the commands manually. Why does the
> cursor move and how can I stop it from doing so?

the problem is with the combination of <CR> and <bar> in your mapping.
The <CR> will execute the :write command. After that Vim is in normal
mode, where <bar> is a command to put the cursor in a specified column,
i.e. 10| would put the cursor in column 10. Because <bar> stands on its
own in your mapping the cursor is put in the first column.

You only need either <CR> or <bar> between two commands on the right side
of your mapping. You can write it either as

nnoremap <leader>md :write<bar>silent !open -a '' '%:p'<CR>

or as

nnoremap <leader>md :write<CR>:silent !open -a '' '%:p'<CR>


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in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us. (Calvin)

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