Monday, November 26, 2018

Re: str2float() issue

Am 26.11.2018 um 14:38 schrieb Vladimir Stenbock:
>> If you want to convert strings of hexadecimal (0xa), octal (0755),
>> binary (0b11110000) to integers, you can use unary + operator.
>> :echo +'0xa'
>> => 10
>> :echo +'0755'
>> => 493
>> :echo +'0b11110000'
>> => 240
>> P.S.
>> Vim script can treat an exponential notation, but unary + operator can
>> not convert it.
>> :echo 1.0e3
>> => 1000.0
>> :echo +'1.0e3'
>> => 1
> Yes, you exactly describe my pain. ))
> So my 'prefix'-dream is: 0x (hexadecimal, base 16), 0o (octal, base 8), 0b (binary, base 2)
> echo str2float('011') str2float('0x11') str2float('011e1') str2float('0b11') str2float('0o11')
> and get:
> 11.0 17.0 110.0 3.0 9.0
> instead of:
> 11.0 17.0 110.0 0.0 0.0
> in present time

Maybe use eval() to "normalize" the input string (given you can make sure that {str} isn't arbitrary user input)?

func! Str2float(str)
return str2float(string(eval(a:str)))

But it's less permissive than str2float() for usual floating point numbers, eg '1e5' is not accepted.


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