Monday, December 3, 2018

Re: I need to fool vim to think buffer starts at column n

On 2018-12-03 17:40, Magnus Woldrich wrote:
> I'd like to stop vim from modifying the first n columns of a
> buffer, no matter what I do in it.
> Consider the following data, where the number isn't vims internal
> line numbers, but actual data:
> 50 ./bin/
> 51 ./cgi/
> 52 ./dev/
> 53 ./devlaleh/
> 54 ./emu/
> 55 ./etc/
> Now, I'd want to perform any action in this buffer, for example a
> simple:
> :%s/ /_/
> and I need vim to *think* that the buffer starts at column 9.

While I'm not sure there's any generic "protect this column", you can
tweak your substitute command to have it ignore the first nine

:%s/\%>9c /_/g

which you can read more about at

:help /\%c

(there are nuances regarding "/\%c" vs. "/\%v" depending on
virtual-column aspects)

Alternatively, if it's harder to do, you can enter visual block mode,
select all of columns 1-9, delete it to a named register, do whatever
modifications you need to, then paste it back in.


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