Saturday, January 12, 2019

Re: E474: Invalid argument: listchars=tab:?~V?\ ,eol:¬^[^[

On Fr, 11 Jan 2019, Peng Yu wrote:

> > I got the following error when I run vim on an ubuntu docker image. Does anybody know what is wrong with the vim installation? Thanks.
> Here (scroll toward the end) is the difference between the vim
> --version on my mac os (works) and the docker (does not work). I guess
> that the problem must be caused by one of the switches. Does anybody
> see which switch causes the problem? Thanks.

Instead of recording a screen session and showing a diff that is hardly
readable, because I cannot even guess what part of the output belongs to
which vim version. So please simply show the output of `vim --version`
of your docker image.

Alles, was die Menschen in Bewegung setzt, muß durch ihren Kopf
hindurch, aber welche Gestalt es in diesem Kopf annimmt, hängt von den
Umständen ab.
-- Friedrich Engels

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