Sunday, February 24, 2019

Re: Gvim remote press enter to continue

On Mon, Feb 25, 2019 at 2:34 AM Andrew Bernard <> wrote:
> I am using the Lilypond open source music engraving program on Ubuntu 18.10. It supports point and click from objects in the output PDF score to various different editors. Now attempting to use gvim, it is not working correctly for me in the same smooth way that emacs does. Clicking on a note should simply take you to the line and column in the editor. This is the command invoked to do that with gvim:
> gvim --remote +:line:normcolumn file
> What is getting in the way of this working is that for each click, the following message is displayed by gvim:
> :if !exists('+acd')||!&acd|if haslocaldir()|cd -|lcd -|elseif getcwd() ==# '/home/andro'|cd -|endif|endif
> ::1898:norm3|cal foreground()|if &im|star|en|redr|f
> And also 'Press ENTER or type command to continue'.
> I'd like to solve this problem, and also stop gvim asking you to press ENTER every time a remote command is received. What is causing this?
> Andrew

This is usually due to a too small 'cmdheight' setting (q.v.). The
default is 1 but 2 or 3 often gives a smoother functioning.

I have the following in my vimrc for this; if you still get the error
after making the change and restarting Vim, then try replacing the
digit 2 (twice) by a 3:

if exists('+cmdheight') && (&ch < 2)
set ch=2

Best regards,

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