Saturday, April 6, 2019

:make behaviour

I am using gvim for lilypond work. Lilypond is an open source music engraving program, that compiles text source code into engraved music output.

If I run :make in a buffer with a lilypond source file, say, vim runs

:!lilypond "test" 2>&! | tee /tmp/vpcquUM/13

[The tmp file name is irrelevant].

The lilypond compiler program name is 'lilypond'.

I want :make to run my makefile, not act like this. I am baffled as to how vim is picking up the lilypond compiler program name, and why :make does not simply run make. How deoes :make get the filename, also? I was unable to find documentation on that aspect.

I have syntax highlighting for lilypond, but no other modules to assist with lilypond development.

What is going on here?

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