Monday, April 1, 2019

Re: Announce: ECMAScript interface for Vim

On 1 Apr 2019, at 11.04, David Demelier <> wrote:

Given that ECMAScript use camelCase I'd suggest to rename the low level API. E.g. read_blob -> readBlob.

In this case read_blob is a low-level API that directly mirrors the corresponding C function in Vim. In general, I think the benefits of being consistent with Vim or VimScript notation trump ES community conventions. Also, we have for example win_screenpos and winbufnr, that would either become winScreenpos and winbufnr or winScreenPos and winBufNr. In the latter case you wouldn't be able to uniquely map back to vim functions, e.g. for looking things up with :help (although there are only 1 or 2 examples like that, _ is mostly used for namespacing of builtins).


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