Monday, April 29, 2019

Re: Grouping digraphs

On Mo, 29 Apr 2019, 'Lifepillar' via vim_use wrote:

> I recall reading about a proposal (by C. Brabandt, I think) for grouping
> the presentation of digraphs. I don't seem to be able to find that
> discussion, however. Does anyone know the status of the proposal and
> whether there is a patch available to try?
> Digraphs are a wonderful feature, except that finding a specific symbol
> is often time-consuming. E.g., to type Cyrillic or Greek or math, it
> would be much easier if there were "Cyrillic", "Greek", "Math", etc…
> sections in the :digraphs output.

It has been included. Use the `:digraphs!` command.

Man muß manchmal von einem Menschen fortgehen, um ihn zu finden.
-- Heimito von Doderer (Pseudonym: Stangeler, Reneé)

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