Sunday, April 7, 2019

Re: plugin for toggeling line numbers

On 07.04.19 13:51, meine wrote:
> hi,
> I found a site where a vim plugin was used for relative line numbering
> and I want to give it a try. relative line numbers make it easier to
> navigate in normal mode by just using `3j' instead of `256G'. the less
> keystrokes the better!
> does anybody have experience with both of them? I'd be curious on your
> opinions! maybe there is a third one that is niftier, I'd like to know.

No experience with plugins, but just this in .vimrc does it for me:

noremap <F1> :call Rnu_toggle()<CR> " Toggle relative line numbering.
" Toggle relative line numbering.
function! Rnu_toggle()
if &rnu == 1
set nornu
set rnu

Someone on another list needed it for absolute line numbers - took out
the 'r' in each set, and he was good to go.

And, yes, using vim here in mutt, it's available too - after all vim
reads the same .vimrc when run here.

Relative line numbering really shines when you do "d3+" or "y3+" - just
read the relative line number of the line you want to reach - no
counting, and no need to subtract one. Ah, it's the same with "3j" -
works the same as "3+", I see.


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