On Tue, Apr 23, 2019 at 6:02 PM <nivaemail@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Using mksession file and these sessionoptions, I don't see why vim does not restore filetype detection after reloading .vim files for example.
> Thank you
> NiVa
> " set sessionoptions=help,resize,winpos,winsize
After having a look at that 'sessionoptions' setting and its many
variations (none of those you set BTW, relate to filetype detection),
there's nothing about filetype detection that strikes my eyes.
However, ISTR that "vim -S" sources your vimrc before the session
file, so any "filetype" statement in your vimrc (or, nowadays, the
"filetype plugin indent on" statement in defaults.vim if you don't
have a vimrc) will be executed as well. Are you the kind of person who
changes filetype detection settings (to something else than what your
vimrc had set) long after Vim has started, and expects them to stay
that way even after a reload? Then you have a most unusual use case.
Best regards,
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