Monday, April 1, 2019

Re: Vim "by far the best editor on the iPad"

On Mon, Apr 01, 2019 at 11:28:57AM -0400, Eric Weir wrote:

> Would appreciate hearing about others experiences with Vim on the iPad.

I occasionally use iVim on the iPad itself, which is good implementation of
vim (though with some limitations as you note) -- but I found that far and
away to best way to use vim on the iPad is to ssh/mosh in to a Real Computer
and run it there, as a command-line program. I use Blink as the app on the
iPad I use to connect; the implementation of mosh is pretty robust and the
terminal they provide handles anything I throw at it. In the past I've
used Termius. Anyway, with that setup I have my full native (neo)vim with
all plugins, configuration, etc. running; it's the best setup for the iPad
I've found.

(Under Android it's possible to get to the heavily-modded Linux core shell,
and install vim there, for instance using Debian package management -- but
you can't do that on iOS.)

Peter King
Department of Philosophy
170 St. George Street #521
The University of Toronto (416)-946-3170 ofc
Toronto, ON M5R 2M8

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