Monday, April 15, 2019

Re: Vim selection underlined rather than reversed

On 4/15/19 9:24 AM, Jeenu wrote:
> Sometimes, after I attach to a tmux session, visual selection in
> an already-running vim instance is shown as underlined instead of
> reversed. See the attached files for the difference; both are from the
> same host - one from new, and the other from existing session. The only
> way out I've found is to quit and launch vim again. Does any one know
> why this happens and/or how to fix it?

This sounds to me like screen is loosing state and not (re)displaying
things properly after some condition.

I would bet another order of magnitude that this is the case if you
visually select something so it's highlighted, change screen (disconnect
/ switch screens), change screen back (reconnect / switch back), and
what was highlighted is now underlined.

> This is the same problem as someone had posted a while ago:

This seems to have the same symptoms to me.

You can probably test vim, if not eliminate it from the scenario, by
playing with ANSI control codes at a command line and see if the
symptoms are the same as vim when changing screen (see above).

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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