Monday, April 29, 2019

Re: Vim selection underlined rather than reversed

On Mo, 29 Apr 2019, Jeenu wrote:

> On Monday, April 15, 2019 at 8:15:19 PM UTC+1, Christian Brabandt wrote:
> > There was an issue about Vim not correctly resetting up the X
> > connection, (I believe #3649) and a fix seems to have been included by
> > 8.1.0615.
> From the observations I've made so far, it does seem like X server disconnection/restart is causing this problem.
> My reading is that is the PR that has a fix, but hasn't been merged yet.
> I'm currently using a prebuilt 8.1.1139, which supposedly contains the "fix" mentioned in, but I observe the same issue as before.
> So I suppose I wait until #844 is merged.

Try increasing the limits mentioned here:

You need to recompile.

Jedem Narren gefällt seine Kappe.
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