I have NERDTree in MacVim on my MacBook. Once it was intuitive. It is not now. I working in iVim at this point I would prefer to rely on netrw. When I enter the command ":e ." NERDTree is run.
I've commented out the line pertaining to NERDTree in my .vimrc for iVim, but it still runs. How can I stop NERDTree from running and get back to netrw?
In case it wouid help, I've attached my .vimrc for iVim.
Eric Weir
Decatur, GA USA
"Man has been a murderer forever."
- Peter Matthiessen.
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Friday, May 31, 2019
Re: Looking for help getting iVim set up
> On May 30, 2019, at 1:28 PM, 'Lifepillar' via vim_use <vim_use@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>> I've noticed this. I don't know what it means, but why is it necessary to cripple netrw this way? Is it related to Apple's sandboxing of apps?
> Yes, iOS apps cannot launch other processes in the system. AFAIK, netrw uses `mv` and `cp` programs to move/copy files, and iVim is not allowed to use them. Renaming files does not fork a different process, but uses an internal function, so it keeps working in iVim.
I have no doubt there's a reason, but curious why the restrictions within sandboxed apps. My naive assumption would be that when apps that are prevented from communicating with other apps operations that are not permitted on the system level would be permitted.
Eric Weir
Decatur, GA USA
"Imagining the other is a powerful antidote to fanaticism and hatred."
- Amos Oz
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>> I've noticed this. I don't know what it means, but why is it necessary to cripple netrw this way? Is it related to Apple's sandboxing of apps?
> Yes, iOS apps cannot launch other processes in the system. AFAIK, netrw uses `mv` and `cp` programs to move/copy files, and iVim is not allowed to use them. Renaming files does not fork a different process, but uses an internal function, so it keeps working in iVim.
I have no doubt there's a reason, but curious why the restrictions within sandboxed apps. My naive assumption would be that when apps that are prevented from communicating with other apps operations that are not permitted on the system level would be permitted.
Eric Weir
Decatur, GA USA
"Imagining the other is a powerful antidote to fanaticism and hatred."
- Amos Oz
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Re: Looking for help getting iVim set up
> On May 30, 2019, at 5:13 PM, trialero@gmx.com wrote:
> Den Torsdag den 30. maj 2019 skrev Eric Weir:
>> I tried running Vundle. Tons of error messages, "cannot fork" prominent among them. Is there any hope for this or any other plugin manager—Vim-plug?—in iVim?
> don't know if this is a Vundle problem. I use pathogen and just move the <plugin>.vim file into ~/.vim/plugins/, restart vim and it works. Be sure to download the raw version of the plugin code.
Thanks, meine. Not sure you were aware, I encountered the problem running iVim on an iPad. Seeking help specifically with that.
Wondering, since iVim can't fork, if any plugin manager will work.
Eric Weir
Decatur, GA USA
"You keep on learning and learning, and pretty soon
you learn something no one has learned before."
- Richard Feynman
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> Den Torsdag den 30. maj 2019 skrev Eric Weir:
>> I tried running Vundle. Tons of error messages, "cannot fork" prominent among them. Is there any hope for this or any other plugin manager—Vim-plug?—in iVim?
> don't know if this is a Vundle problem. I use pathogen and just move the <plugin>.vim file into ~/.vim/plugins/, restart vim and it works. Be sure to download the raw version of the plugin code.
Thanks, meine. Not sure you were aware, I encountered the problem running iVim on an iPad. Seeking help specifically with that.
Wondering, since iVim can't fork, if any plugin manager will work.
Eric Weir
Decatur, GA USA
"You keep on learning and learning, and pretty soon
you learn something no one has learned before."
- Richard Feynman
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Re: Cursor shape in the console
On Fri, May 31, 2019 at 6:45 AM John Little <john.b.little@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wednesday, May 29, 2019 at 9:31:17 AM UTC+12, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> > ... I haven't found how to make it work in both konsole
> > and xterm ...
> I use the XTERM_VERSION environment variable. xterm defines it, konsole doesn't.
Ah, interesting. Yes, indeed, in bash in xterm, "echo $XTERM_VERSION"
answers Xterm(330) but in konsole the answer is empty. Thanks!
> Note that if xterm is started with -bc for a blinking cursor, the effects of the 5 and 6 are reversed, so that 5 is steady and 6 blinking.
IOW, if the cursor is blinking in bash in xterm, with the "even" codes
it wil remain blinking in Vim.
Thanks to you, my problem is solved in both xterm and konsole, with
the folowing code:
" try to change cursor shape in Console mode in xterm-like terminals
" t_EI = █ (Normal)
" t_SR = _ (Replace)
" t_SI = | (Insert)
if !has('gui_running') && has('cursorshape')
if $XTERM_VERSION =~? '^xterm' " a «real» xterm
let &t_EI = "\<Esc>[2 q"
let &t_SI = "\<Esc>[6 q"
let &t_SR = "\<Esc>[4 q"
else " assume konsole
let &t_EI = "\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=0\x7"
let &t_SI = "\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=1\x7"
let &t_SR = "\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=2\x7"
Best regards,
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> On Wednesday, May 29, 2019 at 9:31:17 AM UTC+12, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> > ... I haven't found how to make it work in both konsole
> > and xterm ...
> I use the XTERM_VERSION environment variable. xterm defines it, konsole doesn't.
Ah, interesting. Yes, indeed, in bash in xterm, "echo $XTERM_VERSION"
answers Xterm(330) but in konsole the answer is empty. Thanks!
> Note that if xterm is started with -bc for a blinking cursor, the effects of the 5 and 6 are reversed, so that 5 is steady and 6 blinking.
IOW, if the cursor is blinking in bash in xterm, with the "even" codes
it wil remain blinking in Vim.
Thanks to you, my problem is solved in both xterm and konsole, with
the folowing code:
" try to change cursor shape in Console mode in xterm-like terminals
" t_EI = █ (Normal)
" t_SR = _ (Replace)
" t_SI = | (Insert)
if !has('gui_running') && has('cursorshape')
if $XTERM_VERSION =~? '^xterm' " a «real» xterm
let &t_EI = "\<Esc>[2 q"
let &t_SI = "\<Esc>[6 q"
let &t_SR = "\<Esc>[4 q"
else " assume konsole
let &t_EI = "\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=0\x7"
let &t_SI = "\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=1\x7"
let &t_SR = "\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=2\x7"
Best regards,
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Thursday, May 30, 2019
Re: Cursor shape in the console
On Wednesday, May 29, 2019 at 9:31:17 AM UTC+12, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> ... I haven't found how to make it work in both konsole
> and xterm ...
I use the XTERM_VERSION environment variable. xterm defines it, konsole doesn't.
Note that if xterm is started with -bc for a blinking cursor, the effects of the 5 and 6 are reversed, so that 5 is steady and 6 blinking.
Also, I sometimes use the "Set Text Parameters" sequence to change the colour of the cursor; so
if $XTERM_VERSION =~? "xterm"
let &t_SI = "\<Esc>]12;green\x7"
let &t_EI = "\<Esc>]12;red\x7"
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> ... I haven't found how to make it work in both konsole
> and xterm ...
I use the XTERM_VERSION environment variable. xterm defines it, konsole doesn't.
Note that if xterm is started with -bc for a blinking cursor, the effects of the 5 and 6 are reversed, so that 5 is steady and 6 blinking.
Also, I sometimes use the "Set Text Parameters" sequence to change the colour of the cursor; so
if $XTERM_VERSION =~? "xterm"
let &t_SI = "\<Esc>]12;green\x7"
let &t_EI = "\<Esc>]12;red\x7"
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Re: Obscure shell syntax hifghlighting problem: Solved!
On Sunday, May 26, 2019 at 9:40:30 PM UTC+12, J S wrote:
> That zero works in bash is, of course, not mentioned in "man bash".
In the manual, in 3.5.3 Shell Parameter Expansion, it says:
In each of the cases below, word is subject to tilde expansion, parameter expansion, command substitution, and arithmetic expansion.
"0-9" is seen as arithmetic. "1-10" would serve, too.
Regards, John Little
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> That zero works in bash is, of course, not mentioned in "man bash".
In the manual, in 3.5.3 Shell Parameter Expansion, it says:
In each of the cases below, word is subject to tilde expansion, parameter expansion, command substitution, and arithmetic expansion.
"0-9" is seen as arithmetic. "1-10" would serve, too.
Regards, John Little
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Re: Looking for help getting iVim set up
Den Torsdag den 30. maj 2019 skrev Eric Weir:
> I tried running Vundle. Tons of error messages, "cannot fork" prominent among them. Is there any hope for this or any other plugin manager—Vim-plug?—in iVim?
don't know if this is a Vundle problem. I use pathogen and just move the <plugin>.vim file into ~/.vim/plugins/, restart vim and it works. Be sure to download the raw version of the plugin code.
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> I tried running Vundle. Tons of error messages, "cannot fork" prominent among them. Is there any hope for this or any other plugin manager—Vim-plug?—in iVim?
don't know if this is a Vundle problem. I use pathogen and just move the <plugin>.vim file into ~/.vim/plugins/, restart vim and it works. Be sure to download the raw version of the plugin code.
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Re: Looking for help getting iVim set up
> On 29 May 2019, at 19:46, Eric Weir <eeweir@bellsouth.net> wrote:
>> On May 29, 2019, at 4:27 AM, 'Lifepillar' via vim_use <vim_use@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>> I feel your pain, that's much harder than it should be.
> Thanks much for your response. Glad to hear I'm not the only one who thinks it's hard.
>> TLDR: prepare your .vim folder in your computer exactly as you want it in iOS, open Finder, press Cmd-Shift-. to show invisible files, drag the .vim folder into iVim using iTunes Files Sharing. iTunes *does* copy dot files even if it never shows them. iTunes will even prompt you if you want to replace an existing .vim folder (iTunes UI sucks, I know).
> Cmd-Shift causes invisible files and folders to be displayed in Finder.
Yes, that is the goal.
> It doesn't work with the Finder file-picker as used by iTunes. I don't see how to copy files if I can't select them.
What I meant is, drag the .vim folder *from the Finder* into iTunes.
>> Folders may be imported easily, actually:
>> - with :idocuments, type `:idoc import`, then in the Files app find the folder to want to import (which you should have made available through Files in advance, e.g., by putting in your iCloud Drive), tap on Select, choose the folder and tap on Open. It works just fine for me. Files UI sucks in a stellar way, btw.
> I put my .vim folder in iCloud Drive using Finder on my MacBook. It shows up there on the MacBook. It doesn't show up in iCloud Drive accessed through the Files app.
As I had explained a bit further in my previous message, :idoc import is good for importing documents you need to work on, not for .vim.
>> ...you cannot move or copy stuff around with netrw, because iVim cannot fork.
> I've noticed this. I don't know what it means, but why is it necessary to cripple netrw this way? Is it related to Apple's sandboxing of apps?
Yes, iOS apps cannot launch other processes in the system. AFAIK, netrw uses `mv` and `cp` programs to move/copy files, and iVim is not allowed to use them. Renaming files does not fork a different process, but uses an internal function, so it keeps working in iVim.
Glad you've (almost?) got your setup into iOS with the renaming trick.
Happy Vimming!
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>> On May 29, 2019, at 4:27 AM, 'Lifepillar' via vim_use <vim_use@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>> I feel your pain, that's much harder than it should be.
> Thanks much for your response. Glad to hear I'm not the only one who thinks it's hard.
>> TLDR: prepare your .vim folder in your computer exactly as you want it in iOS, open Finder, press Cmd-Shift-. to show invisible files, drag the .vim folder into iVim using iTunes Files Sharing. iTunes *does* copy dot files even if it never shows them. iTunes will even prompt you if you want to replace an existing .vim folder (iTunes UI sucks, I know).
> Cmd-Shift causes invisible files and folders to be displayed in Finder.
Yes, that is the goal.
> It doesn't work with the Finder file-picker as used by iTunes. I don't see how to copy files if I can't select them.
What I meant is, drag the .vim folder *from the Finder* into iTunes.
>> Folders may be imported easily, actually:
>> - with :idocuments, type `:idoc import`, then in the Files app find the folder to want to import (which you should have made available through Files in advance, e.g., by putting in your iCloud Drive), tap on Select, choose the folder and tap on Open. It works just fine for me. Files UI sucks in a stellar way, btw.
> I put my .vim folder in iCloud Drive using Finder on my MacBook. It shows up there on the MacBook. It doesn't show up in iCloud Drive accessed through the Files app.
As I had explained a bit further in my previous message, :idoc import is good for importing documents you need to work on, not for .vim.
>> ...you cannot move or copy stuff around with netrw, because iVim cannot fork.
> I've noticed this. I don't know what it means, but why is it necessary to cripple netrw this way? Is it related to Apple's sandboxing of apps?
Yes, iOS apps cannot launch other processes in the system. AFAIK, netrw uses `mv` and `cp` programs to move/copy files, and iVim is not allowed to use them. Renaming files does not fork a different process, but uses an internal function, so it keeps working in iVim.
Glad you've (almost?) got your setup into iOS with the renaming trick.
Happy Vimming!
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Re: Looking for help getting iVim set up
> On May 29, 2019, at 1:46 PM, Eric Weir <eeweir@bellsouth.net> wrote:
>> On May 29, 2019, at 4:27 AM, 'Lifepillar' via vim_use <vim_use@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>> ...you cannot move or copy stuff around with netrw, because iVim cannot fork.
> I've noticed this. I don't know what it means….
What does it mean? Is there anyway around the limitations it poses?
Eric Weir
Decatur, GA USA
"(I)t is important that awake people be awake... the darkness around us is deep."
- William Stafford
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>> On May 29, 2019, at 4:27 AM, 'Lifepillar' via vim_use <vim_use@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>> ...you cannot move or copy stuff around with netrw, because iVim cannot fork.
> I've noticed this. I don't know what it means….
What does it mean? Is there anyway around the limitations it poses?
Eric Weir
Decatur, GA USA
"(I)t is important that awake people be awake... the darkness around us is deep."
- William Stafford
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Re: Looking for help getting iVim set up
> On May 30, 2019, at 9:12 AM, Eric Weir <eeweir@bellsouth.net> wrote:
> Now I just have to get it all working. For that I'll have to relearn vim. I got so comfortable with my MacVim setup on my MacBook that I've altogether forgotten how i got it. With time. And a lot of hand-holding from folks here. FWIW I'm not a programmer. Just a writer.
I tried running Vundle. Tons of error messages, "cannot fork" prominent among them. Is there any hope for this or any other plugin manager—Vim-plug?—in iVim?
Eric Weir
Decatur, GA USA
"(I)t is important that awake people be awake... the darkness around us is deep."
- William Stafford
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> Now I just have to get it all working. For that I'll have to relearn vim. I got so comfortable with my MacVim setup on my MacBook that I've altogether forgotten how i got it. With time. And a lot of hand-holding from folks here. FWIW I'm not a programmer. Just a writer.
I tried running Vundle. Tons of error messages, "cannot fork" prominent among them. Is there any hope for this or any other plugin manager—Vim-plug?—in iVim?
Eric Weir
Decatur, GA USA
"(I)t is important that awake people be awake... the darkness around us is deep."
- William Stafford
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Re: Looking for help getting iVim set up
> On May 29, 2019, at 2:18 PM, Eric Weir <eeweir@bellsouth.net> wrote:
> Anyway, I wanted to thank you for the suggestion of renaming the .vim file in netrw. After doing that I was able to get the process of importing the contents of my .vim folder into the renamed folder started via Dropbox accessed through the files app. Then I renamed the folder back to .vim.
> I say I "got the process started." It's been over an hour and it seems to be still going on. At this point the contents of my bundle folder have only been partially copied. Or maybe it's just stopped without copying all the contained folders and files.
Finally after several tries and start-overs I believe I've got my entire .vim file onto my iPad by accessing Dropbox from the Files app on the iPad. Also copied over my vimwiki folder.
Now I just have to get it all working. For that I'll have to relearn vim. I got so comfortable with my MacVim setup on my MacBook that I've altogether forgotten how i got it. With time. And a lot of hand-holding from folks here. FWIW I'm not a programmer. Just a writer.
So thanks for the help. Would not have gotten even this far without it.
Eric Weir
Decatur, GA USA
"(I)t is important that awake people be awake... the darkness around us is deep."
- William Stafford
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> Anyway, I wanted to thank you for the suggestion of renaming the .vim file in netrw. After doing that I was able to get the process of importing the contents of my .vim folder into the renamed folder started via Dropbox accessed through the files app. Then I renamed the folder back to .vim.
> I say I "got the process started." It's been over an hour and it seems to be still going on. At this point the contents of my bundle folder have only been partially copied. Or maybe it's just stopped without copying all the contained folders and files.
Finally after several tries and start-overs I believe I've got my entire .vim file onto my iPad by accessing Dropbox from the Files app on the iPad. Also copied over my vimwiki folder.
Now I just have to get it all working. For that I'll have to relearn vim. I got so comfortable with my MacVim setup on my MacBook that I've altogether forgotten how i got it. With time. And a lot of hand-holding from folks here. FWIW I'm not a programmer. Just a writer.
So thanks for the help. Would not have gotten even this far without it.
Eric Weir
Decatur, GA USA
"(I)t is important that awake people be awake... the darkness around us is deep."
- William Stafford
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Wednesday, May 29, 2019
highlight begin end in verilog code
how we can search which begin is for which end in gvim like {}.
Shantanu j
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Re: Looking for help getting iVim set up
> On May 29, 2019, at 9:12 AM, arocker@vex.net <arocker@Vex.Net> wrote:
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Somehow I managed to delete the content of your second response. I thought that was impossible, but it seems to be what happened.
Anyway, I wanted to thank you for the suggestion of renaming the .vim file in netrw. After doing that I was able to get the process of importing the contents of my .vim folder into the renamed folder started via Dropbox accessed through the files app. Then I renamed the folder back to .vim.
I say I "got the process started." It's been over an hour and it seems to be still going on. At this point the contents of my bundle folder have only been partially copied. Or maybe it's just stopped without copying all the contained folders and files.
Eric Weir
Decatur, GA USA
"(I)t is important that awake people be awake... the darkness around us is deep."
- William Stafford
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Somehow I managed to delete the content of your second response. I thought that was impossible, but it seems to be what happened.
Anyway, I wanted to thank you for the suggestion of renaming the .vim file in netrw. After doing that I was able to get the process of importing the contents of my .vim folder into the renamed folder started via Dropbox accessed through the files app. Then I renamed the folder back to .vim.
I say I "got the process started." It's been over an hour and it seems to be still going on. At this point the contents of my bundle folder have only been partially copied. Or maybe it's just stopped without copying all the contained folders and files.
Eric Weir
Decatur, GA USA
"(I)t is important that awake people be awake... the darkness around us is deep."
- William Stafford
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Re: Looking for help getting iVim set up
> On May 29, 2019, at 4:27 AM, 'Lifepillar' via vim_use <vim_use@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> I feel your pain, that's much harder than it should be.
Thanks much for your response. Glad to hear I'm not the only one who thinks it's hard.
> TLDR: prepare your .vim folder in your computer exactly as you want it in iOS, open Finder, press Cmd-Shift-. to show invisible files, drag the .vim folder into iVim using iTunes Files Sharing. iTunes *does* copy dot files even if it never shows them. iTunes will even prompt you if you want to replace an existing .vim folder (iTunes UI sucks, I know).
Cmd-Shift causes invisible files and folders to be displayed in Finder. It doesn't work with the Finder file-picker as used by iTunes. I don't see how to copy files if I can't select them.
> Folders may be imported easily, actually:
> - with :idocuments, type `:idoc import`, then in the Files app find the folder to want to import (which you should have made available through Files in advance, e.g., by putting in your iCloud Drive), tap on Select, choose the folder and tap on Open. It works just fine for me. Files UI sucks in a stellar way, btw.
I put my .vim folder in iCloud Drive using Finder on my MacBook. It shows up there on the MacBook. It doesn't show up in iCloud Drive accessed through the Files app.
> ...you cannot move or copy stuff around with netrw, because iVim cannot fork.
I've noticed this. I don't know what it means, but why is it necessary to cripple netrw this way? Is it related to Apple's sandboxing of apps?
> As for getting further assistance with iVim, I strongly suggest that you contact iVim's author on GitHub (https://github.com/terrychou/iVim). In my experience, he is responsive and helpful.
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll check it out.
Eric Weir
Decatur, GA USA
"(I)t is important that awake people be awake... the darkness around us is deep."
- William Stafford
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> I feel your pain, that's much harder than it should be.
Thanks much for your response. Glad to hear I'm not the only one who thinks it's hard.
> TLDR: prepare your .vim folder in your computer exactly as you want it in iOS, open Finder, press Cmd-Shift-. to show invisible files, drag the .vim folder into iVim using iTunes Files Sharing. iTunes *does* copy dot files even if it never shows them. iTunes will even prompt you if you want to replace an existing .vim folder (iTunes UI sucks, I know).
Cmd-Shift causes invisible files and folders to be displayed in Finder. It doesn't work with the Finder file-picker as used by iTunes. I don't see how to copy files if I can't select them.
> Folders may be imported easily, actually:
> - with :idocuments, type `:idoc import`, then in the Files app find the folder to want to import (which you should have made available through Files in advance, e.g., by putting in your iCloud Drive), tap on Select, choose the folder and tap on Open. It works just fine for me. Files UI sucks in a stellar way, btw.
I put my .vim folder in iCloud Drive using Finder on my MacBook. It shows up there on the MacBook. It doesn't show up in iCloud Drive accessed through the Files app.
> ...you cannot move or copy stuff around with netrw, because iVim cannot fork.
I've noticed this. I don't know what it means, but why is it necessary to cripple netrw this way? Is it related to Apple's sandboxing of apps?
> As for getting further assistance with iVim, I strongly suggest that you contact iVim's author on GitHub (https://github.com/terrychou/iVim). In my experience, he is responsive and helpful.
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll check it out.
Eric Weir
Decatur, GA USA
"(I)t is important that awake people be awake... the darkness around us is deep."
- William Stafford
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Re: Looking for help getting iVim set up
We tend to get fixated on automating procedures. Most of the time, if
they're recurring jobs, it's worthwhile. Sometimes, if the file is small
and the copy/move procedure is sufficiently gruesome, it's simpler just to
type it into the destination. The "wrong" way can be less trouble.
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they're recurring jobs, it's worthwhile. Sometimes, if the file is small
and the copy/move procedure is sufficiently gruesome, it's simpler just to
type it into the destination. The "wrong" way can be less trouble.
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Re: Looking for help getting iVim set up
On 29 May 2019, at 10:27, 'Lifepillar' via vim_use <vim_use@googlegroups.com> wrote:
On 29 May 2019, at 00:53, Eric Weir <eeweir@bellsouth.net> wrote:I'm struggling trying to get iVim setup on my iPad. I wish there was a way to put problems and questions to a community of experienced users.
Most immediately are the walls I'm running into in trying to import my .vim folder and my .vimrc. The iTunes method won't work because the file picker in iTunes doesn't display invisible files and there seems to be no option to force it to do so. The iVim command ":idocuments import" seems to work with files but not folders.I feel your pain, that's much harder than it should be.TLDR: prepare your .vim folder in your computer exactly as you want it in iOS, open Finder, press Cmd-Shift-. to show invisible files, drag the .vim folder into iVim using iTunes Files Sharing. iTunes *does* copy dot files even if it never shows them. iTunes will even prompt you if you want to replace an existing .vim folder (iTunes UI sucks, I know).
If fact, there's a better way: in netrw, move the cursor to .vim and press R to rename .vim without a dot (or, if .vim doesn't exist yet, create a `vim` directory by pressing d). Now the folder will be visible in Files and iTunes. Copy/move/delete/update the files you need then go back to netrw in iVim an rename it back to `.vim`.
Btw, is its utter ugliness, Files allows you to perform all basic file system tasks. For instance, to copy a file/folder, long tap the folder then release, to show a menu to Copy, Move, Delete, etc… To paste a file/folder, go to the target location, the long press the screen and choose Paste.
Hope this helps you get going,
Re: Looking for help getting iVim set up
On 29 May 2019, at 00:53, Eric Weir <eeweir@bellsouth.net> wrote:
I'm struggling trying to get iVim setup on my iPad. I wish there was a way to put problems and questions to a community of experienced users.
Most immediately are the walls I'm running into in trying to import my .vim folder and my .vimrc. The iTunes method won't work because the file picker in iTunes doesn't display invisible files and there seems to be no option to force it to do so. The iVim command ":idocuments import" seems to work with files but not folders.
I feel your pain, that's much harder than it should be.
TLDR: prepare your .vim folder in your computer exactly as you want it in iOS, open Finder, press Cmd-Shift-. to show invisible files, drag the .vim folder into iVim using iTunes Files Sharing. iTunes *does* copy dot files even if it never shows them. iTunes will even prompt you if you want to replace an existing .vim folder (iTunes UI sucks, I know).
Long explanation:
Folders may be imported easily, actually:
- with :idocuments, type `:idoc import`, then in the Files app find the folder to want to import (which you should have made available through Files in advance, e.g., by putting in your iCloud Drive), tap on Select, choose the folder and tap on Open. It works just fine for me. Files UI sucks in a stellar way, btw.
- Using iTunes, go to your device > File Sharing > iVim and just drag&drop your files/folders. Dot files/folders are copied even if they stay invisible in iTunes.
You may create and delete *visible* files and folders from the Files app (whose UI is total crap, did I say that?).
This is all well and good for the documents you want to *edit* (e.g., the files of the C project you're working on). But it's no good for your configuration files, which should go into .vim. Any method you use will copy data into /path/to/your/app/in/your/device/Documents (or Documents/Files or Documents/Inbox), but you cannot copy *inside* Documents/.vim (because .vim is invisible in your apps and in iTunes). Besides, you cannot move or copy stuff around with netrw, because iVim cannot fork. So, the best strategy I can think of is what I have suggested above: prepare your .vim folder in your computer then import it into iVim using one of the methods described above.
It would be much better if iVim used a different location for Vim configuration, e.g., `vim` instead of `.vim`.
As for getting further assistance with iVim, I strongly suggest that you contact iVim's author on GitHub (https://github.com/terrychou/iVim). In my experience, he is responsive and helpful.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Re: Cursor shape in the console
On Tue, May 28, 2019 at 11:43 PM tooth pik <toothpik6@gmail.com> wrote:
> cool beans tony, thanx! i didn't know terminal vim in konsole could do that!
> tp
I pasted this code from the wiki page linked to by Rob Foehl in his
answer above; in that same wiki page you'll find escape sequences for
various kinds of terminal emulators. What I haven't found is how to
fashion a well-thought-of conditional statement to change the cursor
shape the right way in various incompatible terminals while using a
single vimrc.
Best regards,
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> cool beans tony, thanx! i didn't know terminal vim in konsole could do that!
> tp
I pasted this code from the wiki page linked to by Rob Foehl in his
answer above; in that same wiki page you'll find escape sequences for
various kinds of terminal emulators. What I haven't found is how to
fashion a well-thought-of conditional statement to change the cursor
shape the right way in various incompatible terminals while using a
single vimrc.
Best regards,
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Looking for help getting iVim set up
I'm struggling trying to get iVim setup on my iPad. I wish there was a way to put problems and questions to a community of experienced users.
Most immediately are the walls I'm running into in trying to import my .vim folder and my .vimrc. The iTunes method won't work because the file picker in iTunes doesn't display invisible files and there seems to be no option to force it to do so. The iVim command ":idocuments import" seems to work with files but not folders.
Help appreciated.
Eric Weir
Decatur, GA USA
"(I)t is important that awake people be awake... the darkness around us is deep."
- William Stafford
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Most immediately are the walls I'm running into in trying to import my .vim folder and my .vimrc. The iTunes method won't work because the file picker in iTunes doesn't display invisible files and there seems to be no option to force it to do so. The iVim command ":idocuments import" seems to work with files but not folders.
Help appreciated.
Eric Weir
Decatur, GA USA
"(I)t is important that awake people be awake... the darkness around us is deep."
- William Stafford
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Re: Cursor shape in the console
On Tue, May 28, 2019 at 4:31 PM Tony Mechelynck
<antoine.mechelynck@gmail.com> wrote:
> This simpler version works in konsole but does nothing in xterm and in
> the Linux console. I haven't found how to make it work in both konsole
> and xterm but I'm giving up, I don't use Vim in xterm that much. Also
> I left out the test on exists('&t_SR') because I on't use Vim 7 (or
> earlier) anymore at all.
> if !has('gui_running') && has('cursorshape')
> let &t_EI = "\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=0\x7"
> let &t_SI = "\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=1\x7"
> let &t_SR = "\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=2\x7"
> endif
cool beans tony, thanx! i didn't know terminal vim in konsole could do that!
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<antoine.mechelynck@gmail.com> wrote:
> This simpler version works in konsole but does nothing in xterm and in
> the Linux console. I haven't found how to make it work in both konsole
> and xterm but I'm giving up, I don't use Vim in xterm that much. Also
> I left out the test on exists('&t_SR') because I on't use Vim 7 (or
> earlier) anymore at all.
> if !has('gui_running') && has('cursorshape')
> let &t_EI = "\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=0\x7"
> let &t_SI = "\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=1\x7"
> let &t_SR = "\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=2\x7"
> endif
cool beans tony, thanx! i didn't know terminal vim in konsole could do that!
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Re: Cursor shape in the console
This simpler version works in konsole but does nothing in xterm and in
the Linux console. I haven't found how to make it work in both konsole
and xterm but I'm giving up, I don't use Vim in xterm that much. Also
I left out the test on exists('&t_SR') because I on't use Vim 7 (or
earlier) anymore at all.
if !has('gui_running') && has('cursorshape')
let &t_EI = "\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=0\x7"
let &t_SI = "\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=1\x7"
let &t_SR = "\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=2\x7"
Best regards,
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the Linux console. I haven't found how to make it work in both konsole
and xterm but I'm giving up, I don't use Vim in xterm that much. Also
I left out the test on exists('&t_SR') because I on't use Vim 7 (or
earlier) anymore at all.
if !has('gui_running') && has('cursorshape')
let &t_EI = "\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=0\x7"
let &t_SI = "\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=1\x7"
let &t_SR = "\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=2\x7"
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Re: Cursor shape in the console
The following works in xterm. I'm investigating further for konsole:
" try to change cursor shape in Console mode in xterm-like terminals
" ESC [2 q = █ (Normal)
" ESC [4 q = _ (Replace)
" ESC [6 q = | (Insert)
" ESC [5m = blink (all modes)
if !has('gui_running') && has('termresponse') && has('cursorshape') &&
func CursorU(mode)
if a:mode == 'r' || a:mode == 'v'
let &t_SI = "\<ESC>[4 q"
let &t_SI = "\<Esc>[6 q"
augroup consCursor
au TermResponse *
\ if &t_EI == '' | let &t_EI = "\<Esc>[2 q" | endif
\| if &t_SI == '' | let &t_SI = "\<Esc>[6 q" | endif
\| if exists('&t_SR')
\| if &t_SR == '' | let &t_SR = "\<Esc>[4 q" | endif
\| else
\| au InsertChange,InsertEnter * call CursorU(v:insertmode)
\| endif
au VimLeave exe "normal \<C-\\>\<C-N>"
augroup END
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" try to change cursor shape in Console mode in xterm-like terminals
" ESC [2 q = █ (Normal)
" ESC [4 q = _ (Replace)
" ESC [6 q = | (Insert)
" ESC [5m = blink (all modes)
if !has('gui_running') && has('termresponse') && has('cursorshape') &&
func CursorU(mode)
if a:mode == 'r' || a:mode == 'v'
let &t_SI = "\<ESC>[4 q"
let &t_SI = "\<Esc>[6 q"
augroup consCursor
au TermResponse *
\ if &t_EI == '' | let &t_EI = "\<Esc>[2 q" | endif
\| if &t_SI == '' | let &t_SI = "\<Esc>[6 q" | endif
\| if exists('&t_SR')
\| if &t_SR == '' | let &t_SR = "\<Esc>[4 q" | endif
\| else
\| au InsertChange,InsertEnter * call CursorU(v:insertmode)
\| endif
au VimLeave exe "normal \<C-\\>\<C-N>"
augroup END
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Re: Cursor shape in the console
On Tue, May 28, 2019 at 6:36 AM Rob Foehl <rwf@loonybin.net> wrote:
> On Mon, 27 May 2019, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> > if only I knew the correct xterm bytecode to
> > make the cursor a block, a vertical bar or an underscore.
> Hi Tony,
> Here's what I use for real xterm, and covering a pretty good span of Vim
> releases (including those predating t_SR):
> if has('cursorshape') && &term =~ '^xterm'
> " Use a bar cursor in Insert mode
> let &t_SI = "\<Esc>[6 q"
> " Use a block cursor in Normal mode, and restore at Vim exit
> let &t_EI = "\<Esc>[2 q"
> let &t_te = &t_EI . substitute(&t_te, '\C' . &t_EI, '', 'g')
> " Use t_SR for an underline cursor in Replace mode, if available (Vim
> " 7.4.687 or newer); otherwise, change the value of t_SI when entering
> " Insert or Replace mode, as appropriate.
> if exists('&t_SR')
> let &t_SR = "\<Esc>[4 q"
> else
> autocmd vimrc InsertChange,InsertEnter *
> \ if v:insertmode == 'r' || v:insertmode == 'v' |
> \ let &t_SI = "\<Esc>[4 q" |
> \ else |
> \ let &t_SI = "\<Esc>[6 q" |
> \ endif
> endif
> endif
> Those are the non-blinking variants in xterm. You'll probably need to
> adjust that for non-xterm; there's a Vim wiki page[1] that suggests other
> sequences for Konsole. Also note the &term test at the beginning.
> -Rob
> [1] https://vim.fandom.com/wiki/Change_cursor_shape_in_different_modes
Thanks, I'll try those sequences. For the Linux non-X11 console (where
$TERM is "linux") it's probably hopeless indeed, and I'll add an "if
!has("gui_running") around the whole stuff because in gvim it already
works. It would probably still work without it, because starting the
GUI sets 'term' to "builtin_gui" and changes the whole termcap, but I
don't need to add unnecessary processing for the short time between
sourcing the vimrc and starting the GUI.
If the codes for "real xterm" don't work in konsole, AFAIK I'll have
to place the whole stuff at the TermResponse event (which is fired in
both), because in konsole I have a $TERM starting with xterm but a
different v:termresponse (ESC [>0;115;0c in konsole but ESC
[>41;330;0c in xterm, IOW konsole tries to emulate xterm in vt100 but
I don't know what "terminal type 41" means in a real xterm). I notice
that in both cases, and contrary to what is said at ":help
v:termresponse", the first character after ESC [ is a greater-than
sign which is none of a digit, semicolon or period.
To restore the block cursor at Vim exit I suppose it is enough to use
(not yet tested)
au VimLeave * exe "normal \<C-\\>\<C-N>"
to put Vim in Normal mode; however "leaving Vim normally" is by means
of a :qa or :xa command, which is started from Normal mode and leaves
Vim in it so that autocommand would only matter for "abnormal exits".
Best regards,
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> On Mon, 27 May 2019, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> > if only I knew the correct xterm bytecode to
> > make the cursor a block, a vertical bar or an underscore.
> Hi Tony,
> Here's what I use for real xterm, and covering a pretty good span of Vim
> releases (including those predating t_SR):
> if has('cursorshape') && &term =~ '^xterm'
> " Use a bar cursor in Insert mode
> let &t_SI = "\<Esc>[6 q"
> " Use a block cursor in Normal mode, and restore at Vim exit
> let &t_EI = "\<Esc>[2 q"
> let &t_te = &t_EI . substitute(&t_te, '\C' . &t_EI, '', 'g')
> " Use t_SR for an underline cursor in Replace mode, if available (Vim
> " 7.4.687 or newer); otherwise, change the value of t_SI when entering
> " Insert or Replace mode, as appropriate.
> if exists('&t_SR')
> let &t_SR = "\<Esc>[4 q"
> else
> autocmd vimrc InsertChange,InsertEnter *
> \ if v:insertmode == 'r' || v:insertmode == 'v' |
> \ let &t_SI = "\<Esc>[4 q" |
> \ else |
> \ let &t_SI = "\<Esc>[6 q" |
> \ endif
> endif
> endif
> Those are the non-blinking variants in xterm. You'll probably need to
> adjust that for non-xterm; there's a Vim wiki page[1] that suggests other
> sequences for Konsole. Also note the &term test at the beginning.
> -Rob
> [1] https://vim.fandom.com/wiki/Change_cursor_shape_in_different_modes
Thanks, I'll try those sequences. For the Linux non-X11 console (where
$TERM is "linux") it's probably hopeless indeed, and I'll add an "if
!has("gui_running") around the whole stuff because in gvim it already
works. It would probably still work without it, because starting the
GUI sets 'term' to "builtin_gui" and changes the whole termcap, but I
don't need to add unnecessary processing for the short time between
sourcing the vimrc and starting the GUI.
If the codes for "real xterm" don't work in konsole, AFAIK I'll have
to place the whole stuff at the TermResponse event (which is fired in
both), because in konsole I have a $TERM starting with xterm but a
different v:termresponse (ESC [>0;115;0c in konsole but ESC
[>41;330;0c in xterm, IOW konsole tries to emulate xterm in vt100 but
I don't know what "terminal type 41" means in a real xterm). I notice
that in both cases, and contrary to what is said at ":help
v:termresponse", the first character after ESC [ is a greater-than
sign which is none of a digit, semicolon or period.
To restore the block cursor at Vim exit I suppose it is enough to use
(not yet tested)
au VimLeave * exe "normal \<C-\\>\<C-N>"
to put Vim in Normal mode; however "leaving Vim normally" is by means
of a :qa or :xa command, which is started from Normal mode and leaves
Vim in it so that autocommand would only matter for "abnormal exits".
Best regards,
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Re: Is it authentic to download the AnsiEsc.vim plugin and install in server local vim area?
> My doubt is can I use the AnsiEsc plugin without adding/sourcing it in .vimrc file?
> Please suggest me a solution how to see colored display in vim too.I have attached 2 snapshots for reference too.
I don't know what this plugin is about to do, but probably you could
find out what part of the text or syntax needs to be coloured and change
that part in your vim colorscheme.
it takes some time to find out, but IMHO works in a more robust manner.
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> Please suggest me a solution how to see colored display in vim too.I have attached 2 snapshots for reference too.
I don't know what this plugin is about to do, but probably you could
find out what part of the text or syntax needs to be coloured and change
that part in your vim colorscheme.
it takes some time to find out, but IMHO works in a more robust manner.
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Re: Vim on MacOS Incorrectly Indenting
On Friday, May 17, 2019 at 12:53:27 PM UTC-5, Adrian Keister wrote:
> I'm having difficulty with vim on Mac OS. It's indenting incorrectly. The attached txt file is the test file, and the two screenshots show how different they look on Mac versus Windows. The Windows gVim is the look I want. I've tried everything from brew install vim to re-installing MacVim, no joy. It does not appear to be a vimrc issue, because I've tried the troubleshotting page here, with no joy:
> https://github.com/macvim-dev/macvim/wiki/Troubleshooting
> Any ideas? Thanks for your time!
Many thanks to Jürgen and Christian for your help! The .gvimrc file was overriding the .vimrc file for the tabstop setting, so that was one problem. Then I actually had tabs in the file, as noted by others. I don't actually want those tabs in there, so the :1,$s/\t/ /g command replaced all tabs by four spaces like I want. Now MacVim looks just like Windows.
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> I'm having difficulty with vim on Mac OS. It's indenting incorrectly. The attached txt file is the test file, and the two screenshots show how different they look on Mac versus Windows. The Windows gVim is the look I want. I've tried everything from brew install vim to re-installing MacVim, no joy. It does not appear to be a vimrc issue, because I've tried the troubleshotting page here, with no joy:
> https://github.com/macvim-dev/macvim/wiki/Troubleshooting
> Any ideas? Thanks for your time!
Many thanks to Jürgen and Christian for your help! The .gvimrc file was overriding the .vimrc file for the tabstop setting, so that was one problem. Then I actually had tabs in the file, as noted by others. I don't actually want those tabs in there, so the :1,$s/\t/ /g command replaced all tabs by four spaces like I want. Now MacVim looks just like Windows.
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Is it authentic to download the AnsiEsc.vim plugin and install in server local vim area?
I was able run it successfully to see red color font display on TERMINAL but the same didnot reflect on log file.the snapshot for expected vim and actual display(capture.png) has been attached for your reference.
After a lot of search regarding this I came across AnsiEsc.vim plugin.
But my seniors didnot recommend to download any external file and install it on my office system .My vim version is 7.4.
My doubt is can I use the AnsiEsc plugin without adding/sourcing it in .vimrc file?
Please suggest me a solution how to see colored display in vim too.I have attached 2 snapshots for reference too.
Any suggestion is much appriciated
Thank You
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After a lot of search regarding this I came across AnsiEsc.vim plugin.
But my seniors didnot recommend to download any external file and install it on my office system .My vim version is 7.4.
My doubt is can I use the AnsiEsc plugin without adding/sourcing it in .vimrc file?
Please suggest me a solution how to see colored display in vim too.I have attached 2 snapshots for reference too.
Any suggestion is much appriciated
Thank You
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Monday, May 27, 2019
Re: Cursor shape in the console
On Mon, 27 May 2019, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> if only I knew the correct xterm bytecode to
> make the cursor a block, a vertical bar or an underscore.
Hi Tony,
Here's what I use for real xterm, and covering a pretty good span of Vim
releases (including those predating t_SR):
if has('cursorshape') && &term =~ '^xterm'
" Use a bar cursor in Insert mode
let &t_SI = "\<Esc>[6 q"
" Use a block cursor in Normal mode, and restore at Vim exit
let &t_EI = "\<Esc>[2 q"
let &t_te = &t_EI . substitute(&t_te, '\C' . &t_EI, '', 'g')
" Use t_SR for an underline cursor in Replace mode, if available (Vim
" 7.4.687 or newer); otherwise, change the value of t_SI when entering
" Insert or Replace mode, as appropriate.
if exists('&t_SR')
let &t_SR = "\<Esc>[4 q"
autocmd vimrc InsertChange,InsertEnter *
\ if v:insertmode == 'r' || v:insertmode == 'v' |
\ let &t_SI = "\<Esc>[4 q" |
\ else |
\ let &t_SI = "\<Esc>[6 q" |
\ endif
Those are the non-blinking variants in xterm. You'll probably need to
adjust that for non-xterm; there's a Vim wiki page[1] that suggests other
sequences for Konsole. Also note the &term test at the beginning.
[1] https://vim.fandom.com/wiki/Change_cursor_shape_in_different_modes
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> if only I knew the correct xterm bytecode to
> make the cursor a block, a vertical bar or an underscore.
Hi Tony,
Here's what I use for real xterm, and covering a pretty good span of Vim
releases (including those predating t_SR):
if has('cursorshape') && &term =~ '^xterm'
" Use a bar cursor in Insert mode
let &t_SI = "\<Esc>[6 q"
" Use a block cursor in Normal mode, and restore at Vim exit
let &t_EI = "\<Esc>[2 q"
let &t_te = &t_EI . substitute(&t_te, '\C' . &t_EI, '', 'g')
" Use t_SR for an underline cursor in Replace mode, if available (Vim
" 7.4.687 or newer); otherwise, change the value of t_SI when entering
" Insert or Replace mode, as appropriate.
if exists('&t_SR')
let &t_SR = "\<Esc>[4 q"
autocmd vimrc InsertChange,InsertEnter *
\ if v:insertmode == 'r' || v:insertmode == 'v' |
\ let &t_SI = "\<Esc>[4 q" |
\ else |
\ let &t_SI = "\<Esc>[6 q" |
\ endif
Those are the non-blinking variants in xterm. You'll probably need to
adjust that for non-xterm; there's a Vim wiki page[1] that suggests other
sequences for Konsole. Also note the &term test at the beginning.
[1] https://vim.fandom.com/wiki/Change_cursor_shape_in_different_modes
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Sunday, May 26, 2019
Cursor shape in the console
In konsole 18.12.3, in a Big build of Vim (currently 8.1.1407) with
'ttybuiltin' on and 'term' set to "xterm-256color", ":set termcap"
tells me that t_SI, t_SR and t_EI are all unset, which explains why in
Console mode (i.e. invoked as "vim", "view", "vimdiff" etc., not
"gvim", "gview", "gvimdiff" etc.) the cursor never changes, it is
always a block. Is it possible (and how) to make the cursor become a
vertical bar when in Insert mode and an underscore in Replace mode
(while remaining a block in Normal mode)? ":help termcap-cursor-shape"
(which coincides with ":help termcap-cursor-color") actually gives an
example about how to change the cursor colour but not its shape but it
hints at how to do it… if only I knew the correct xterm bytecode to
make the cursor a block, a vertical bar or an underscore.
BTW, I couldn't find the required info in "man xterm" except maybe at
the very end where it says that xterm control sequences are described
by the file http://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html
…where I couldn't find where to look for the desired information. I
guess I've been corrupted by the clear and full online help provided
by Vim, I get lost in the ordinary, badly-written and confusing
manpages. ;-)
Best regards,
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'ttybuiltin' on and 'term' set to "xterm-256color", ":set termcap"
tells me that t_SI, t_SR and t_EI are all unset, which explains why in
Console mode (i.e. invoked as "vim", "view", "vimdiff" etc., not
"gvim", "gview", "gvimdiff" etc.) the cursor never changes, it is
always a block. Is it possible (and how) to make the cursor become a
vertical bar when in Insert mode and an underscore in Replace mode
(while remaining a block in Normal mode)? ":help termcap-cursor-shape"
(which coincides with ":help termcap-cursor-color") actually gives an
example about how to change the cursor colour but not its shape but it
hints at how to do it… if only I knew the correct xterm bytecode to
make the cursor a block, a vertical bar or an underscore.
BTW, I couldn't find the required info in "man xterm" except maybe at
the very end where it says that xterm control sequences are described
by the file http://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html
…where I couldn't find where to look for the desired information. I
guess I've been corrupted by the clear and full online help provided
by Vim, I get lost in the ordinary, badly-written and confusing
manpages. ;-)
Best regards,
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Re: Has window-toolbar feature?
On 26 May 2019, at 13:14, Bram Moolenaar <Bram@moolenaar.net> wrote:
>> How do you check whether Vim has the window-toolbar (WinBar) feature?
> if has('menu')
I have compiled v8.0.0197 (with +menu), has('menu') returns 1, yet it
doesn't seem to have support for window toolbars. Ah ok, helpgrep-ing
window-toolbar explains that it was introduced in Vim 8.0.1123. So, I
guess that has('patch-8.0.0197') && has('menu') is necessary and
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>> How do you check whether Vim has the window-toolbar (WinBar) feature?
> if has('menu')
I have compiled v8.0.0197 (with +menu), has('menu') returns 1, yet it
doesn't seem to have support for window toolbars. Ah ok, helpgrep-ing
window-toolbar explains that it was introduced in Vim 8.0.1123. So, I
guess that has('patch-8.0.0197') && has('menu') is necessary and
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Re: Has window-toolbar feature?
> How do you check whether Vim has the window-toolbar (WinBar) feature?
if has('menu')
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
29. Your phone bill comes to your doorstep in a box.
/// Bram Moolenaar -- Bram@Moolenaar.net -- http://www.Moolenaar.net \\\
/// sponsor Vim, vote for features -- http://www.Vim.org/sponsor/ \\\
\\\ an exciting new programming language -- http://www.Zimbu.org ///
\\\ help me help AIDS victims -- http://ICCF-Holland.org ///
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if has('menu')
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
29. Your phone bill comes to your doorstep in a box.
/// Bram Moolenaar -- Bram@Moolenaar.net -- http://www.Moolenaar.net \\\
/// sponsor Vim, vote for features -- http://www.Vim.org/sponsor/ \\\
\\\ an exciting new programming language -- http://www.Zimbu.org ///
\\\ help me help AIDS victims -- http://ICCF-Holland.org ///
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Re: how to call vim on files that are the results of a grep -l command in bash?
On Fri, May 24, 2019 at 04:40:54AM -0700, DwigtArmyOfChampions wrote:
>From a bash shell I can type "grep -l 'foo' *" and that will output a list of files that contain 'foo'. I want to vim that list of files. In other words, assuming the grep command returns file1, file2, ... filen, I want to run the command:
>vim file1 file2 file3 ... filen
>I tried "grep -l 'foo' * | vim" and "grep -l 'foo' * | xargs | vim' but those didn't work. Any ideas?
I use the quickfix list for this. Previous commands will break on whitespace in filepaths. This won't (but it will on newlines - I didn't figure out how to work it with Vim for those), but you'll have to tell your command to use a null as a separator, eg. `grep -Zl foo * | pvim`:
pvim() {
local files=()
while IFS= read -rd '' file; do
(( ${#files[@]} )) && vim -q <( printf '%s:1: \n' "${files[@]}" ) < /dev/tty
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>From a bash shell I can type "grep -l 'foo' *" and that will output a list of files that contain 'foo'. I want to vim that list of files. In other words, assuming the grep command returns file1, file2, ... filen, I want to run the command:
>vim file1 file2 file3 ... filen
>I tried "grep -l 'foo' * | vim" and "grep -l 'foo' * | xargs | vim' but those didn't work. Any ideas?
I use the quickfix list for this. Previous commands will break on whitespace in filepaths. This won't (but it will on newlines - I didn't figure out how to work it with Vim for those), but you'll have to tell your command to use a null as a separator, eg. `grep -Zl foo * | pvim`:
pvim() {
local files=()
while IFS= read -rd '' file; do
(( ${#files[@]} )) && vim -q <( printf '%s:1: \n' "${files[@]}" ) < /dev/tty
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Has window-toolbar feature?
How do you check whether Vim has the window-toolbar (WinBar) feature?
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Re: Obscure shell syntax hifghlighting problem: Solved!
> That zero works in bash is, of course, not mentioned in "man bash". How did you figure that out?Maybe I should take it up with the bash maintainer.
From the manual: "If offset evaluates to a number less than zero…"
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From the manual: "If offset evaluates to a number less than zero…"
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Obscure shell syntax hifghlighting problem: Solved!
On 2019/05/21 13:17, someone replied thusly to 'J S' via vim_use wrote:
>> But is also allows the offset (and then length, too, but ignore that
>> for now) to be negative. But, alas, as noted in "man bash", if the
>> offset is negative, you have to
>> put a space after the :, in order to avoid ambiguity with the usual
>> ${var:-xxx} construct. So, you have to write:
>> $ echo ${var: -9:5}
>> Alas, vim flags this as an error. If I take out the space before the
>> -, the highlighting is OK. But with the space, it is flagged as error.
>> Can this be fixed?
>> But is also allows the offset (and then length, too, but ignore that
>> for now) to be negative. But, alas, as noted in "man bash", if the
>> offset is negative, you have to
>> put a space after the :, in order to avoid ambiguity with the usual
>> ${var:-xxx} construct. So, you have to write:
>> $ echo ${var: -9:5}
>> Alas, vim flags this as an error. If I take out the space before the
>> -, the highlighting is OK. But with the space, it is flagged as error.
>> Can this be fixed?
>Not that it fixes the syntax, but I've always used "${var:0-9:5}" so the field
>would clearly stand out as starting with an integer and not the ambiguous
>'dash'. Is that flagged as an error too?
Thank you! Changing the space to a zero does both of these thngs:
1) Clears the VIM syntax highlighting error.
2) Does not change the bash functionality.
That zero works in bash is, of course, not mentioned in "man bash". How did you figure that out?
Maybe I should take it up with the bash maintainer.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Re: Questions about colors/tools/check_colors.vim
On Fri, May 24, 2019 at 10:38 PM 'Lifepillar' via vim_use
<vim_use@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> Finally, I'd like to send a patch for that script: where should I send it?
> Thanks,
> Life.
To the vim_dev group, vim_dev@googlegroups.com (or as a pull request
to github, which will be mirrored on the vim_dev group by the list
Best regards,
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<vim_use@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> Finally, I'd like to send a patch for that script: where should I send it?
> Thanks,
> Life.
To the vim_dev group, vim_dev@googlegroups.com (or as a pull request
to github, which will be mirrored on the vim_dev group by the list
Best regards,
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Questions about colors/tools/check_colors.vim
Currently, colors/tools/check_colors.vim prints warnings when
1. one of the checked highlight groups is defined with `hi link` instead of `hi`;
2. a hi command defines guifg but not ctermfg or vice versa.
For instance, I get warnings for
hi! link ColorColumn SomethingElse
Is this intended, i.e., is that to be taken as a recommendation not to link those groups?
I also get warnings for something like:
if (has('termguicolors') && &termguicolors) || has('gui_running')
" Define only GUI colors
hi DiffAdd guifg=#abb96e guibg=#5f5f61 guisp=NONE gui=reverse cterm=reverse
" …
" Define only terminal colors
hi DiffAdd ctermfg=143 ctermbg=59 cterm=reverse
In this case, I think that the script is too strict and the check at lines 48-50 should be removed.
Finally, I'd like to send a patch for that script: where should I send it?
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1. one of the checked highlight groups is defined with `hi link` instead of `hi`;
2. a hi command defines guifg but not ctermfg or vice versa.
For instance, I get warnings for
hi! link ColorColumn SomethingElse
Is this intended, i.e., is that to be taken as a recommendation not to link those groups?
I also get warnings for something like:
if (has('termguicolors') && &termguicolors) || has('gui_running')
" Define only GUI colors
hi DiffAdd guifg=#abb96e guibg=#5f5f61 guisp=NONE gui=reverse cterm=reverse
" …
" Define only terminal colors
hi DiffAdd ctermfg=143 ctermbg=59 cterm=reverse
In this case, I think that the script is too strict and the check at lines 48-50 should be removed.
Finally, I'd like to send a patch for that script: where should I send it?
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Re: Transposing delimited data?
2019-05-24 22:11 GMT+02:00, Tim Chase <vim@tim.thechases.com>:
> I know this sounds weird to attempt in vi/vim, but after about the
> 5th time I've wanted to do it, I figured I'd at least ask if someone
> had brilliant ideas. It's usually a copy/paste of some tab-delimited
> output and its headers, and I'd like to transpose it so that each
> column becomes a row:
> [====input====]
> Name Age Weight
> John 35 200
> Amy 42 120
> Pat 22 165
> [====output====]
> Name John Amy Pat
> Age 35 42 22
> Weight 200 120 165
> When I'm on my BSD boxes, I have rs(1) so can
> :%! rs -T -c -C
> but on my other machines (Linux & Windows), I don't have rs(1) at
> hand.
> Thanks for any ideas,
> -tim
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2019-05-24 22:11 GMT+02:00, Tim Chase <vim@tim.thechases.com>:
> I know this sounds weird to attempt in vi/vim, but after about the
> 5th time I've wanted to do it, I figured I'd at least ask if someone
> had brilliant ideas. It's usually a copy/paste of some tab-delimited
> output and its headers, and I'd like to transpose it so that each
> column becomes a row:
> [====input====]
> Name Age Weight
> John 35 200
> Amy 42 120
> Pat 22 165
> [====output====]
> Name John Amy Pat
> Age 35 42 22
> Weight 200 120 165
> When I'm on my BSD boxes, I have rs(1) so can
> :%! rs -T -c -C
> but on my other machines (Linux & Windows), I don't have rs(1) at
> hand.
> Thanks for any ideas,
> -tim
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Transposing delimited data?
I know this sounds weird to attempt in vi/vim, but after about the
5th time I've wanted to do it, I figured I'd at least ask if someone
had brilliant ideas. It's usually a copy/paste of some tab-delimited
output and its headers, and I'd like to transpose it so that each
column becomes a row:
Name Age Weight
John 35 200
Amy 42 120
Pat 22 165
Name John Amy Pat
Age 35 42 22
Weight 200 120 165
When I'm on my BSD boxes, I have rs(1) so can
:%! rs -T -c -C
but on my other machines (Linux & Windows), I don't have rs(1) at
Thanks for any ideas,
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5th time I've wanted to do it, I figured I'd at least ask if someone
had brilliant ideas. It's usually a copy/paste of some tab-delimited
output and its headers, and I'd like to transpose it so that each
column becomes a row:
Name Age Weight
John 35 200
Amy 42 120
Pat 22 165
Name John Amy Pat
Age 35 42 22
Weight 200 120 165
When I'm on my BSD boxes, I have rs(1) so can
:%! rs -T -c -C
but on my other machines (Linux & Windows), I don't have rs(1) at
Thanks for any ideas,
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Re: (Obscure) problem with bash syntax highlighting
On 2019-05-24, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> On Fri, May 24, 2019 at 1:52 PM 'J S' via vim_use
> <vim_use@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> [...]
> > Note: I tried contacting the listed author/maintainer (Charles
> > Campbell) via email first (before posting this), but the mail
> > bounced. It looks like the sh.vim file hasn't been updated
> > since 2014.
> Dr. Chip's adress is listed in $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/sh.vim as:
> " Maintainer: Charles E. Campbell <NdrOchipS@PcampbellAfamily.Mbiz>
> which is intentionally obfuscated to avoid spamming. Remove the
> letters making up NOSPAM to get his actual email address.
Also, the latest version (as of 8.1.1200) in $VIMRUNTIME/syntax is
version 186, last changed on March 26, 2019.
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> On Fri, May 24, 2019 at 1:52 PM 'J S' via vim_use
> <vim_use@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> [...]
> > Note: I tried contacting the listed author/maintainer (Charles
> > Campbell) via email first (before posting this), but the mail
> > bounced. It looks like the sh.vim file hasn't been updated
> > since 2014.
> Dr. Chip's adress is listed in $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/sh.vim as:
> " Maintainer: Charles E. Campbell <NdrOchipS@PcampbellAfamily.Mbiz>
> which is intentionally obfuscated to avoid spamming. Remove the
> letters making up NOSPAM to get his actual email address.
Also, the latest version (as of 8.1.1200) in $VIMRUNTIME/syntax is
version 186, last changed on March 26, 2019.
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Re: (Obscure) problem with bash syntax highlighting
On Fri, May 24, 2019 at 1:52 PM 'J S' via vim_use
<vim_use@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> Note: I tried contacting the listed author/maintainer (Charles Campbell) via email first (before posting this), but the mail bounced. It looks like the sh.vim file hasn't been updated since 2014.
Dr. Chip's adress is listed in $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/sh.vim as:
" Maintainer: Charles E. Campbell <NdrOchipS@PcampbellAfamily.Mbiz>
which is intentionally obfuscated to avoid spamming. Remove the
letters making up NOSPAM to get his actual email address.
Best regards,
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<vim_use@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> Note: I tried contacting the listed author/maintainer (Charles Campbell) via email first (before posting this), but the mail bounced. It looks like the sh.vim file hasn't been updated since 2014.
Dr. Chip's adress is listed in $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/sh.vim as:
" Maintainer: Charles E. Campbell <NdrOchipS@PcampbellAfamily.Mbiz>
which is intentionally obfuscated to avoid spamming. Remove the
letters making up NOSPAM to get his actual email address.
Best regards,
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Re: (Obscure) problem with bash syntax highlighting
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ok, though isn't it more important to prune unnecessary content?
On 2019/05/21 13:17, 'J S' via vim_use wrote:
> But is also allows the offset (and then length, too, but ignore that
> for now) to be negative. But, alas, as noted in "man bash", if the
> offset is negative, you have to
> put a space after the :, in order to avoid ambiguity with the usual
> ${var:-xxx} construct. So, you have to write:
> $ echo ${var: -9:5}
> Alas, vim flags this as an error. If I take out the space before the
> -, the highlighting is OK. But with the space, it is flagged as error.
> Can this be fixed?
Not that it fixes the syntax, but I've always used "${var:0-9:5}" so the
would clearly stand out as starting with an integer and not the ambiguous
'dash'. Is that flagged as an error too?
Just curious....
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ok, though isn't it more important to prune unnecessary content?
On 2019/05/21 13:17, 'J S' via vim_use wrote:
> But is also allows the offset (and then length, too, but ignore that
> for now) to be negative. But, alas, as noted in "man bash", if the
> offset is negative, you have to
> put a space after the :, in order to avoid ambiguity with the usual
> ${var:-xxx} construct. So, you have to write:
> $ echo ${var: -9:5}
> Alas, vim flags this as an error. If I take out the space before the
> -, the highlighting is OK. But with the space, it is flagged as error.
> Can this be fixed?
Not that it fixes the syntax, but I've always used "${var:0-9:5}" so the
would clearly stand out as starting with an integer and not the ambiguous
'dash'. Is that flagged as an error too?
Just curious....
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Re: how to call vim on files that are the results of a grep -l command in bash?
Another possibility is to tell Vim that the file to be read will be
found on stdin:
grep -l 'foo' | view -
One problem with this approach is that using "view" (because stdin is
essentially non-writable) will make ":new foobar" open the new file
read-only as if you had used :sview rather than :new. IIUC in order to
make the new file writable you will have to use ":setl noro" after
making it current.
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found on stdin:
grep -l 'foo' | view -
One problem with this approach is that using "view" (because stdin is
essentially non-writable) will make ":new foobar" open the new file
read-only as if you had used :sview rather than :new. IIUC in order to
make the new file writable you will have to use ":setl noro" after
making it current.
Best regards,
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Re: how to call vim on files that are the results of a grep -l command in bash?
On 2019-05-24, DwigtArmyOfChampions wrote:
> From a bash shell I can type "grep -l 'foo' *" and that will
> output a list of files that contain 'foo'. I want to vim that list
> of files. In other words, assuming the grep command returns file1,
> file2, ... filen, I want to run the command:
> vim file1 file2 file3 ... filen
> I tried "grep -l 'foo' * | vim" and "grep -l 'foo' * | xargs | vim'
> but those didn't work. Any ideas?
Using xargs with an interactive program like vim has problems, such
as leaving your terminal in an odd state after vim exits. A better
solution is to use GNU parallel:
$ grep -l 'foo' * | parallel --tty -X vim
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> From a bash shell I can type "grep -l 'foo' *" and that will
> output a list of files that contain 'foo'. I want to vim that list
> of files. In other words, assuming the grep command returns file1,
> file2, ... filen, I want to run the command:
> vim file1 file2 file3 ... filen
> I tried "grep -l 'foo' * | vim" and "grep -l 'foo' * | xargs | vim'
> but those didn't work. Any ideas?
Using xargs with an interactive program like vim has problems, such
as leaving your terminal in an odd state after vim exits. A better
solution is to use GNU parallel:
$ grep -l 'foo' * | parallel --tty -X vim
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Re: how to call vim on files that are the results of a grep -l command in bash?
On 2019-05-24 04:40, DwigtArmyOfChampions wrote:
> From a bash shell I can type "grep -l 'foo' *" and that will output
> a list of files that contain 'foo'. I want to vim that list of
> files. In other words, assuming the grep command returns file1,
> file2, ... filen, I want to run the command:
> vim file1 file2 file3 ... filen
As others have mentioned, you have
vim $(grep -l 'foo' *)
grep -l foo * | xargs vim
(which then has vim complain that input isn't from stdin)
Moreover, vim has some built-in grepping functionality which might be
:vimgrep foo *
then you can use
to navigate them, as well as (at least as of a somewhat recent
version of vim) the
commands which let you perform operations across all the matches or
across all the matching files. Especially since :vimgrep supports all
the power of Vim's regular expressions which can do things that
grep(1) can't do.
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> From a bash shell I can type "grep -l 'foo' *" and that will output
> a list of files that contain 'foo'. I want to vim that list of
> files. In other words, assuming the grep command returns file1,
> file2, ... filen, I want to run the command:
> vim file1 file2 file3 ... filen
As others have mentioned, you have
vim $(grep -l 'foo' *)
grep -l foo * | xargs vim
(which then has vim complain that input isn't from stdin)
Moreover, vim has some built-in grepping functionality which might be
:vimgrep foo *
then you can use
to navigate them, as well as (at least as of a somewhat recent
version of vim) the
commands which let you perform operations across all the matches or
across all the matching files. Especially since :vimgrep supports all
the power of Vim's regular expressions which can do things that
grep(1) can't do.
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Re: how to call vim on files that are the results of a grep -l command in bash?
> grep -l 'foo' * | xargs vim
> --
Or, if the number isn't likely huge:
vim $(grep -l 'foo' *)
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> --
Or, if the number isn't likely huge:
vim $(grep -l 'foo' *)
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Re: how to call vim on files that are the results of a grep -l command in bash?
grep -l 'foo' * | xargs vim
2019-05-24 13:40 GMT+02:00, DwigtArmyOfChampions > I tried "grep -l
'foo' * | vim" and "grep -l 'foo' * | xargs | vim' but
> those didn't work. Any ideas?
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2019-05-24 13:40 GMT+02:00, DwigtArmyOfChampions > I tried "grep -l
'foo' * | vim" and "grep -l 'foo' * | xargs | vim' but
> those didn't work. Any ideas?
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Re: [Legacy Email] how to call vim on files that are the results of a grep -l command in bash?
On Fri, 2019-05-24 at 07:50 -0400, Reid Thompson wrote:
> On Fri, 2019-05-24 at 04:40 -0700, DwigtArmyOfChampions wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > From a bash shell I can type "grep -l 'foo' *" and that will output a list of files that contain 'foo'. I want to vim that list of files. In other words, assuming the grep command returns file1,
> > file2, ... filen, I want to run the command:
> >
> > vim file1 file2 file3 ... filen
> >
> > I tried "grep -l 'foo' * | vim" and "grep -l 'foo' * | xargs | vim' but those didn't work. Any ideas?
> >
> > --
> vim $(grep -l foo)
this is the xargs one
ls ycm* | xargs vim
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> On Fri, 2019-05-24 at 04:40 -0700, DwigtArmyOfChampions wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > From a bash shell I can type "grep -l 'foo' *" and that will output a list of files that contain 'foo'. I want to vim that list of files. In other words, assuming the grep command returns file1,
> > file2, ... filen, I want to run the command:
> >
> > vim file1 file2 file3 ... filen
> >
> > I tried "grep -l 'foo' * | vim" and "grep -l 'foo' * | xargs | vim' but those didn't work. Any ideas?
> >
> > --
> vim $(grep -l foo)
this is the xargs one
ls ycm* | xargs vim
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