Friday, May 24, 2019

Questions about colors/tools/check_colors.vim

Currently, colors/tools/check_colors.vim prints warnings when

1. one of the checked highlight groups is defined with `hi link` instead of `hi`;
2. a hi command defines guifg but not ctermfg or vice versa.

For instance, I get warnings for

hi! link ColorColumn SomethingElse

Is this intended, i.e., is that to be taken as a recommendation not to link those groups?

I also get warnings for something like:

if (has('termguicolors') && &termguicolors) || has('gui_running')
" Define only GUI colors
hi DiffAdd guifg=#abb96e guibg=#5f5f61 guisp=NONE gui=reverse cterm=reverse
" …
" Define only terminal colors
hi DiffAdd ctermfg=143 ctermbg=59 cterm=reverse

In this case, I think that the script is too strict and the check at lines 48-50 should be removed.

Finally, I'd like to send a patch for that script: where should I send it?


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