Monday, June 17, 2019

Re: encryption with vim

hmmmm it was so simple in fact...

Thank you very much!

On lun., 2019-06-17 at 20:38 +0200, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> Mathieu Roux wrote:
> > I use encryption with vim.
> > I just do :X
> > and then i write 2 times my password.
> > After my file is crypted.
> >
> > 1) What about now, if i want to cancel encryption (i don't want
> > password anymore).
> > If i try set key=
> > it does not work: again the same password when i open vim again.
> You need to write the file:
> :set key=
> :write
> > 2) And what about now if i want to change password?
> > If i do :X in the open file, and enter 2 times my new password, it
> > is
> > the same... when i close the file and open it again, only the old
> > password is ok.
> Sounds like you are missing the write here as well.

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