Sunday, June 2, 2019

Re: :help :check inconsistent with :check

On Sun, Jun 2, 2019 at 12:48 PM John Little <> wrote:
> > :help :check<Tab> (with 'wildmenu' on) or :help :check<Ctrl-D> would
> > have shown you all helptags beginning with :check
> How would I have known to do that, when I did not know that there might be another command starting with "check"? I use the help when I don't know stuff, that's the point of it.
> Regards, John Little

Well, I suppose it's a question of how we relate to encyclopaedic
sources of information. When I was a little kid, I would spend hours
with the 7-volume dictionary (7 thick folio volumes IIRC); nowadays I
can spend hours going from subject to subject by following hotlinks in
the Wikipedia — or in the Vim help; and it proves to me how true was
the remark of Socrates: «The more I know, and the more I'm conscious
of how little I know».

How would you have known, when you didn't know there was another
comand starting with :check? Well, seeing that the help didn't jibe
with what you saw, you might have wondered if there weren't another
command starting with :check, and asked for a list — if you had known
how to; though the <Tab> key is used for more than one kind of
completion, and it is very useful.

Best regards,

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