Monday, July 1, 2019

Code folding not working for restructuredText (.rst) after 8.1-153

After a recent upgrade to 8.1-154 and 8.1-156, code-folding is not working for restructuredText (rst) file-type. Reverting to version 8.1-153 restores that functionality.

:e foobar.rst

-> file opens with text fully expanded


-> E490: No fold found

set fdm? -> expr
set fde? -> RstFold#GetRstFold

This behavior was observed on two of my three machines, running 8.1-154, 8.1-156, and 8.1-153. Reverting the second one to v153 restored RST code-folding.

Let me know if you need more and I'll be happy to provide :)


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