Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Re: execute an alias with vim

Le mercredi 10 juillet 2019 05:30:19 UTC-3, Mathieu Roux a écrit :
> Hello,
> I use many text files to write many things on my laptop, and i use
> aliases to access them.
> For exemple, suppose that i have the alias "foo" to access ~/bar with
> vim.
> alias foo='vim ~/bar'
> So it works when i write "foo" in my terminal.
> But I also want to use this alias in vim.
> When i am in vim, i do "C-w n" to open one new window.
> And then i try :!foo
> But it writes:
> "/bin/bash: foo: command not found
> le shell a retourné 127"
> Can you help me?
> Best regards,
> Mathieu

If you use bash, then define the aliases in `~/.bash_profile` and add

let $BASH_ENV = $HOME.'/.bash_profile'

to your vimrc. See also



If you use zsh, then add them in `~/.zshenv` (instead of ~/.zshrc`) as well as the line 'setopt aliases'.

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