Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Re: execute an alias with vim

On 10.07.19 10:30, Mathieu Roux wrote:
> I use many text files to write many things on my laptop, and i use
> aliases to access them.
> For exemple, suppose that i have the alias "foo" to access ~/bar with
> vim.
> alias foo='vim ~/bar'
> So it works when i write "foo" in my terminal.

I suppose you use the aliases because your filenames are rather long
and/or the files are in a deeply nested directory (e.g.

If that's the case I would suggest to

a) create a directory in your $HOME and create symbolic links to all the
files you want to access with a short name in that directory.

b) in vim set the 'path' option to that directory

c) to open the files use :find instead of :new or :edit.

See also :help path and :help find

Bye, Andreas

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