Saturday, August 24, 2019

Re: List of mirrors - help needed

Anton Shepelev wrote:

> > The ftp protocol is slowly fading away. Still, we provide
> > the Vim sources through ftp.
> Anonymous FTP is great. It means I can download software
> without a bloated browser that updates once a week. And it
> does not force me to upgrade my software, then the OS, then
> the PC, simply to keep abrest with the constant development
> of new protocols and APIs. I can access FTP archives with
> the same software that I used twenty years ago, which will
> continue to work in another twenty years. A stable
> data-exchage protocol is a blessing.
> > I would like someone to take the current list, remove the
> > links that no longer work, and find more https links.
> Many https: links no longer work for me in Windows XP. Is
> there any reason for providing public software via HTTPS?
> Anyway, please keep the FTP and HTTP mirrors, in addition
> to the HTTPS ones.

Nothing is going away, we just cleaned up the list and put https and
http first, because that's what most people prefer to use. Quite a few
people prefer the secure connection, but it indeed has many more

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
111. You and your friends get together regularly on IRC, even though
all of you live in the same city.

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