Saturday, August 31, 2019

Search history question

I started noticing this a while ago, but it's somewhat new (months, not years):

If I search for "abcd" with incremental search enabled, the search characters get highlighted as I type them, which is obviously why I have incremental search enabled. However, when I look through my search history, I'm pretty sure I used to only see the one search entry for "abcd". These days, I see four: a, ab, abc and abcd. What happened?

This adds entries that don't really do anything because I might be in the middle of a regular expression and having search entries containing partially-entered expressions are somewhat meaningless, such as \( but without a closing \).

Is there a way to only have it register the entry in the search history when I press enter?

Obviously, setting @/ via a let creates just the one entry, but that's when I don't care about the incremental display. 

Best regards,



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