Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Re: Change /colors/ & /syntax/ paths or source colors & syntax from shared directory?

After asking that question(s), I had a moment to day dream.  A thought suddenly jumped into my head!!  I think I answered my own question when I said, "...source that color scheme file...".  I JUST tried it and it really does appear to be just that simple!!  I put a copy of an existing color file (shine.vim) up on a share area, renamed it something unique (rrshine.vim), then just did a :source <path>/rrshine.vim and it switched my color scheme to "shine"!!  I did a :source back to my /usr/share/vim/vim74/delek.vim and it set the scheme back to delek!!

So, it really was that simple and I was just brain farting on it!!


On Wednesday, September 25, 2019 at 10:01:41 AM UTC-7, nakore wrote:

Is there a way to use a /colors/ or /syntax/ file out of some directory other than $VIMRUNTIME?

At work, I work on a plethora of Linux servers (as an Oracle DBA) and do not have Linux SA (root) access.  I can "see" the files in $VIMRUNTIME but I cannot edit or add at all.

I'd like to be able to create some custom color.vim and syntax.vim files/schemes for my own use (not using those filenames, of course).

Ideally, what I'd like to do is:
  1. Write a custom color scheme.
  2. Place it on a common share (common to all the Linux servers) and not have to put it on every, single, server.
  3. Be able to use the color scheme:
    1. Either include/call/source that color scheme file(s) in my common .vimrc file?
    2. Or, at least, be able to manually call that color scheme if/when I need/want it?
  4. And, I'd like to be able to do that same sort of thing with syntax file(s)?
Is that possible without getting access to (in our case) /usr/share/vim/vim74/...?



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