Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Re: Mapping erases search count message

On Mo, 02 Sep 2019, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

> Christian wrote:
> > On Fr, 30 Aug 2019, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> >
> > > Thanks. Yes, I think we should do this. But the allocation should
> > > probably be done differently, it looks like with cmd_silent set it still
> > > computes the size of the command. This will require some more "if"
> > > statements, but makes the size computation more accurate.
> >
> > Well, yeah I thought this wouldn't hurt.
> >
> > So how about the attached patch then? It will simply use all available
> > space in the command line. Not sure this is correct however.
> It's tricky with all the conditions. But it looks OK. All tests pass.
> Let's include this and check that nothing goes wrong. Can we cover this
> with a test?

Apologizes, the last patch was wrong and caused a strtrunc message

Perhaps we don't even need the added condition `|| cmd_silent` at all?

Here is a fix including a test.

diff --git a/src/search.c b/src/search.c
index 758c4ef1a..ee66052a9 100644
--- a/src/search.c
+++ b/src/search.c
@@ -1391,7 +1391,7 @@ do_search(
// search stat. Use all the space available, so that the
// search state is right aligned. If there is not enough space
// msg_strtrunc() will shorten in the middle.
- if (msg_scrolled != 0 || cmd_silent)
+ if (msg_scrolled != 0 && !cmd_silent)
// Use all the columns.
len = (int)(Rows - msg_row) * Columns - 1;
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_search_stat.vim b/src/testdir/test_search_stat.vim
index cf36f3214..f23952915 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_search_stat.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_search_stat.vim
@@ -160,7 +160,27 @@ func! Test_search_stat()
let stat = '\[1/2\]'
call assert_notmatch(pat .. stat, g:a)

- " close the window
+ " normal, n comes from a silent mapping
+ " First test a normal mapping, then a silent mapping
+ call cursor(1,1)
+ nnoremap n n
+ let @/ = 'find this'
+ let pat = '/find this\s\+'
+ let g:a = execute(':unsilent :norm n')
+ let g:b = split(g:a, "\n")[-1]
+ let stat = '\[1/2\]'
+ call assert_match(pat .. stat, g:b)
+ nnoremap <silent> n n
+ call cursor(1,1)
+ let g:a = execute(':unsilent :norm n')
+ let g:b = split(g:a, "\n")[-1]
+ let stat = '\[1/2\]'
+ call assert_notmatch(pat .. stat, g:b)
+ call assert_match(stat, g:b)
+ unmap n
+ " Clean up
set shortmess+=S
+ " close the window

Sitzt eine Spinne auf dem Klo, wird man des Lebens nicht mehr froh.

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