Sunday, October 6, 2019

format=flowed and extra spaces

Hello list,

I've set up Vim in tandem with Mutt to compose format=flowed emails,
i.e. using &fo+=aw in Vim.

I'm also in the habit of using numbered and bulletted lists in
emails a lot.

Unfortunately, the two don't seem to work together well, or I am
doing something wrong.

For instance, consider the following:

1. This is the first item, spanning two rows because the text is a
bit longer than 80 characters, or whatever &tw is set to.

2. This is the second item.

The way I have Vim configured means that the second line of the
first item is properly indented, i.e. I see:

| 1. This is … |
| bit long… |

At first, I thought those spaces at the start of the second line are
"local" in that they are only needed for presentation. However, when
Mutt creates a MIME message, it includes those spaces!

| 1. This is … text is a=20 |
| ···bit longer |

This means that recipients who don't use exactly the same font and
window size as I do might see the following instead:

| 1. This is … text |
| is a bit longer |

So there is no indent, but there are multiple subsequent spaces in
the middle of the line, which makes the whole thing harder to read.

I think all of this would be avoided if Vim didn't add those spaces
it needs for indenting (presentation) in format=flowed mode.

Is this possible? Or am I doing something fundamentally wrong?

Thank you!

@martinkrafft |

in seattle, washington, it is illegal to carry a concealed weapon that
is over six feet in length.


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