Friday, October 11, 2019

Re: regexp : windows filename recognition

It works well with .*$ in order to substitute and get first backward reference.
^..\(.\{-}\)\s\+\d\+\.\d\+.\{,20} needed to add .*$

Thank you.

Le jeudi 10 octobre 2019 17:19:25 UTC+2, Andy Wokula a écrit :
Am 10.10.2019 um 10:44 schrieb Ni Va:
> Don't understand why it returns 2 first chars on this example :
> + 20191009_191004_Vim.8.1.2125/                                                                                              4.0 KiB [D] 2019-10-
> echo substitute(getline(line('.')),'^..\zs\(.\+\)\(\s\+\d\+\.\d\+\)\@=.*$','\1', "") returns + 20191009_191004_Vim.8.1.2125/

The match starts after `\zs', what comes before is not substituted.

I wonder why the greedy \(.\+\) does not include any spaces.
Looks like \(\s\+\d\+\.\d\+\)\@= is checked before any backtracking takes place.
"no backtracking" => actually this depends on re=0 or re=2.

:echo substitute(getline('.'), '^..\(.\{-}\)\s\+\d\+\.\d\+.\{,20}$', '\1', '')


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