Thursday, October 3, 2019

Re: :term and terminal color escape codes

On Thu, Oct 03, 2019 at 08:05:28AM -0700, 'Suresh Govindachar' via vim_use wrote:
> To view a file containing terminal color escape codes (file was created by
> redirecting the stdout and stderr into it), I tried the suggestions at
> -- but there was no difference compared to just opening the file and not
> doing any of the following:
> 1) Opening foo.txt and sourcing AnsiEscPlugin.vim
> 2) Opening foo.txt and sourcing ColorizerPlugin.vim

I once tried this approach (don't remember which plugin specifically),
and it was very slow.

> 3) Starting vi and doing ":term less foo.txt"

Instead do :term cat foo.txt

Or, if you want to use less, ask less to interpret the escape codes for
you -- :term less -R foo.txt

Marius Gedminas
Thus spake the master programmer:
"After three days without programming, life becomes meaningless."
-- Geoffrey James, "The Tao of Programming"

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