Monday, November 11, 2019

Highlighting parenthesized blocks

I would need to highlight blocks of text delimited by opening/closing parentheses of any given type (regular, square, curly, squiggly, etc.).

For instance:

'… this is some text (here is a parenthesized block) that I would like to stand out.'

then a few lines down:

'… more text an here again (I have another parenthesized block) that I also want highlighted.

This one is simple enough… after I ':set hls' and search via '/(.*)' the parenthesized text is matched by the regex and highlighted as specified by the color scheme.

It gets a little less obvious when some of the parenthesized blocks may span more than a single lines.

Is there any way this can be done via vim regular expressions?

N.B. I know about the matching paren thingy but that is not what I want — I want the whole 'opening paren+text+closing paren' to stand out.

The context is that I have some rather large markdown files to inspect with numerous inline footnotes whose syntax is:

'^[ footnote ]'

and I am looking for a reliable way to make such footnotes stand out so I can (1) spot them at a glance and (2) easily check that they are syntaxically AOK.

To keep it simple I am not concerned about the possiblity of having square bracketed text within the footnotes.



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