Friday, November 1, 2019

Re: "nmap" issue

On Fri, Nov 1, 2019 at 6:58 PM Jerry Dai <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to create a mapping to maximize current window. But somehow
> it only executed portion of my mapping.
> My mapping is:
> nmap <Esc>m <C-W>_<C-W>|
> Looks like after I press <Esc>m , it only executes <C-W>_ .
> And if we change it to:
> nmap <Esc>m <C-W>|<C-W>
> It give me the following error when I source .vimrc :
> Error detected while processing /usr2/jianzhen/.vimrc:
> line 500:
> E488: Trailing characters: <C-W>_
> -- --
> Best Regards
> Jerry Dai

Used like that, the | charcter is seen as a separator between the :map
command and a following command. You should use <Bar> instead.

Best regards,

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