Friday, November 8, 2019

Re: vim terminal

clear will work for a terminal that makes use of it (which I guess is most terminals), but I am working on Windows, and clear does nothing.
I tried 'cls', which seems to work fine from a dos window, but in vim, it just resets the screen, but I can still scroll through the console history.
Basically, I want to easily be able to reset the current prompt to line 1, so I can compile (or whatever), and then go back to the beginning of the console window without finding this spot in the history.
prompt> clear (or some vim command)
prompt> ant clean all
lots of error messages
prompt> <C-\>Ngg
This might work fine in Linux with clear, but I don't really get the behavior I want in Windows with clr. I suppose I could set a mark and then jump to the mark.

On Fri, Nov 8, 2019 at 3:51 PM tooth pik <> wrote:
are you looking for the clear command?  it's ... clear

On Fri, Nov 8, 2019 at 1:25 PM Joseph Dornisch <> wrote:
> I just started to use the :term command yesterday. Is there a simple way to clear the contents of the window (without closing it and opening a new terminal)? I'd like to be able to clear the contents, while remaining the command line history.
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