Thursday, December 19, 2019

Re: map j to non-latin1/utf-8 character


I would like inform that problem may not be related using utf-8 or non-ascii character. I have seen the same behavior when I try to exchange j and k behaviors. k is working but not j.
I appreciate any insight or suggestions.

nnoremap j k
nnoremap k j

On Thu, Dec 19, 2019 at 11:50 PM Bilinmek Istemiyor <> wrote:

I am using a Turkish-F keyboard layout. I would like to map "j" to Turkish "ü" character.  But also "k" to "j" since it is more convenient and natural for  me. (I know this is bad in the long run etc., but I have decided to do that)

I have put in my .vimrc file following commands

set encoding=utf-8  " The encoding displayed.
set fileencoding=utf-8  " The encoding written to file.

nnoremap ü k
nnoremap k j

k works as expected, however "ü" does not work. "ü" stucks after moving two lines above the current line.

Any help much appreciated.

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