Friday, December 13, 2019

Re: Strange characters at start up

On Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 8:42 PM Antonio Ortiz <> wrote:
> I have defined a font in my .vimrc file. This misbehaviour occurs just at opening. When I change to any font the glyphs disappear,
> And everything defined in the .vimrc file works as expected.
> El vie., 13 dic. 2019 a las 7:39, Paul (<>) escribió:
>> On Thu, Dec 12, 2019 at 06:58:32PM -0800, Antonio Ortiz wrote:
>> >When I open gvim it shows squares with weird characters. I have to go to:
>> >Edit --> Select Font
>> >select any and the characters disappear. Then the program can be used
>> >normally.
>> >The same behavior if I open a fext file associated to gvim, like 'file.tex'
>> >It never happened before.
>> >How do I fix this?
>> Your default font does not have glyphs for the characters that are in the file. Persist the new font by setting guioptions in $MYGVIMRC.


What are the first few lines of the output of ":version" (up to and
including the line ending in "Features included (+) or not (-):" ?
What is the output of ":language"? Do you set it (or part of it) in
your vimrc? Do you set 'encoding' in your vimrc (and to what)? If you
do any of these, in what sequence do the "language", "set enc" and
"set gfn" lines appear in your vimrc?
Which font does your vimrc set? If you set the same font again
manually at startup, (by ":set gfn=some\ font\ name", and see ":help
option-backslash" about what must be backslash-escaped in the value),
does it work? And after that, is that font shown in the output of
":set gfn?"?

(In all cases, type the above colon commands without their surrounding
quotes and followed by <Enter>.)

Best regards,

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