Friday, December 20, 2019

Re: Tabs in GVim 8.2

On Fri, Dec 20, 2019 at 9:15 PM Salman Halim <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I switched to GVim 8.2 (Windows 10) and no longer see the tab list at the top. I tried both my self-compiled version and the version with patch 24 off GitHub. I also tried two different computers, both with Windows 10.
> I've gone back to 8.1 because I rely upon multiple tabs in my daily workflow, but figured it would be worth finding out whether it was just something with my configuration.
> Thank you,

I see tabs at the top even in gvim 8.2, but I'm using text-style tabs
in both vim and gvim, thanks to the following code in my vimrc (the
"if" wrapping avoids problems with versions earlier than Vim 7 but
also with limited featuresets of any version):

if has('windows') && exists('+tabline')
function MyTabLine()
let rv = ''
let i = 1
while i <= tabpagenr('$')
let rv .= '%#Normal#'
let icur = tabpagewinnr(i)
let imax = tabpagewinnr(i, '$')
let rv .= '%' . i . 'T'
let rv .= i . '|' . icur . ':' . imax . ' '
if i == tabpagenr()
let rv .= '%#NonText#'
let rv .= '%#SpecialKey#'
let buf = fnamemodify(bufname(tabpagebuflist(i)[icur-1]),':t')
if buf == ""
let buf = '[NoName]'
let rv .= buf . ' '
let i += 1
let rv .= '%T%=%999X%#Error#X%#Normal#%X'
return rv
set guioptions-=e
set tabline=%!MyTabLine()
set showtabline=2

Best regards,

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