Saturday, December 28, 2019

Why don't :diffget and :diffput allow completion after hitting or ?

Hello Vim community,

This is what the documentation in :help E787 says:

> The [bufspec] argument above can be a buffer number, a pattern for a buffer
> name or a part of a buffer name. Examples:
> :diffget Use the other buffer which is in diff mode
> :diffget 3 Use buffer 3
> :diffget v2 Use the buffer which matches "v2" and is in
> diff mode (e.g., "file.c.v2")

It would be nice if it can allow completion like the :buffer command currently
does; specially when dealing with merge conflicts as described here:

Maybe I'm missing something, so I wonder why <Tab> and <C-D> doesn't work in
:diffget and :diffput.

Thanks in advanced.

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