Thursday, April 2, 2020

Re: ccomplete#Complete very slow on large tags file

On 02/04/20 09:09AM, Christian Brabandt wrote:
> [I did not receive the original mail, so answering to Tonys mail, please
> keep the list on CC]

Strange. I did keep the list in Cc (, but now I've also
included I think my emails are being held up
by something because I noticed that when I sent the first email it took
a while (multiple hours) to show up in the Google groups archive. And
now I see that my reply doesn't show up in the archive even though my
mail client shows in Cc.

> On Mi, 01 Apr 2020, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> > > Yes, the tags file is sorted and vim is built with +tag_binary and
> > > 'tagbsearch' is on. The tags file wasn't case-folded sorted, but I tried
> > > with that too and I see similar performance.
> > >
> > > Anyway, just to remove any potential confusion, jumping to tags via
> > > 'CTRL-]' is blazing fast. So is listing all alternatives with 'g]'. Does
> > > ccomplete use the same mechanism for searching tags file as those two?
> > > If so, then I wonder why it is so much slower.
> Hm, I had a quick look at ccomplete.vim. It not only does a tag search,
> but also searches the current file and more importantly, it might call
> :vimgrep and :vimgrep is known to be slow if many files have to be
> searched. Not sure if there is anything to improve, perhaps adding a
> switch to only do tag completion would already help?
> Anyhow, first please create a vimscript profile, so we can exactly see
> when it is slow. See :h :profile and this stackoverflow answer:
> Perhaps this can share some more light on the slowness.

The profile log is pretty big (~3500 lines) since I use multiple
plugins. Trace of ccomplete#Complete and StructMembers() is pasted
below. Let me know if you need any more info, like traces of other
functions in the call chain.

The major time consumer looks like:

21 130.867568 exe 'silent! keepj noautocmd ' . n . 'vimgrep /\t' . typename . '\(\t\|$\)/j ' . fnames

inside StructMembers().

count total (s) self (s) function
2 130.920294 0.013774 ccomplete#Complete()
21 130.873054 <SNR>77_StructMembers()
2 124.341230 0.001711 <SNR>77_Nextitem()
129 6.548978 0.004060 <SNR>77_Tagline2item()
129 6.544918 0.002094 <SNR>77_GetAddition()
128 6.542824 0.009213 <SNR>77_SearchMembers()
14 0.024376 0.001583 airline#check_mode()
2 0.022166 0.004144 airline#highlighter#highlight()
128 0.016388 0.003802 <SNR>77_Tag2item()
76 0.013935 0.003591 airline#highlighter#exec()
14 0.011462 0.000464 airline#extensions#branch#get_head()
14 0.010636 0.000383 airline#extensions#branch#head()
14 0.010169 0.000242 airline#extensions#wordcount#get()
6 0.009927 0.000111 <SNR>61_update_wordcount()
6 0.009742 <SNR>61_get_wordcount()
128 0.009439 <SNR>77_Dict2info()
116 0.009389 0.004537 airline#highlighter#get_highlight()
14 0.008767 0.000787 <SNR>57_update_branch()
20 0.007623 0.000636 <SNR>55_exec_separator()
14 0.007164 0.000748 <SNR>57_update_git_branch()

count total (s) self (s) function
21 130.873054 <SNR>77_StructMembers()
2 130.920294 0.013774 ccomplete#Complete()
6 0.009742 <SNR>61_get_wordcount()
128 0.009439 <SNR>77_Dict2info()
128 6.542824 0.009213 <SNR>77_SearchMembers()
116 0.009389 0.004537 airline#highlighter#get_highlight()
232 0.004197 <SNR>55_get_syn()
2 0.022166 0.004144 airline#highlighter#highlight()
129 6.548978 0.004060 <SNR>77_Tagline2item()
128 0.016388 0.003802 <SNR>77_Tag2item()
76 0.013935 0.003591 airline#highlighter#exec()
128 0.003147 <SNR>77_Tagcmd2extra()
14 0.004693 0.003079 fugitive#Find()
34 0.002095 <SNR>55_GetHiCmd()
129 6.544918 0.002094 <SNR>77_GetAddition()
14 0.001898 <SNR>75_generate_names()
2 124.341230 0.001711 <SNR>77_Nextitem()
76 0.001710 <SNR>55_CheckDefined()
14 0.024376 0.001583 airline#check_mode()
14 0.001486 0.001300 <SNR>57_update_untracked()

FUNCTION ccomplete#Complete()
Defined: /usr/share/vim/vim82/autoload/ccomplete.vim:10
Called 2 times
Total time: 130.920294
Self time: 0.013774

count total (s) self (s)
2 0.000004 if a:findstart
" Locate the start of the item, including ".", "->" and "[...]".
1 0.000003 let line = getline('.')
1 0.000003 let start = col('.') - 1
1 0.000001 let lastword = -1
4 0.000005 while start > 0
4 0.000012 if line[start - 1] =~ '\w'
3 0.000003 let start -= 1
1 0.000002 elseif line[start - 1] =~ '\.'
if lastword == -1
let lastword = start
let start -= 1
1 0.000002 elseif start > 1 && line[start - 2] == '-' && line[start - 1] == '>'
if lastword == -1
let lastword = start
let start -= 2
1 0.000001 elseif line[start - 1] == ']'
" Skip over [...].
let n = 0
let start -= 1
while start > 0
let start -= 1
if line[start] == '['
if n == 0
let n -= 1
elseif line[start] == ']' " nested []
let n += 1
1 0.000000 else
1 0.000001 break
3 0.000001 endif
4 0.000002 endwhile

" Return the column of the last word, which is going to be changed.
" Remember the text that comes before it in s:prepended.
1 0.000001 if lastword == -1
1 0.000002 let s:prepended = ''
1 0.000001 return start
let s:prepended = strpart(line, start, lastword - start)
return lastword
1 0.000001 endif

" Return list of matches.

1 0.000002 let base = s:prepended . a:base

" Don't do anything for an empty base, would result in all the tags in the
" tags file.
1 0.000001 if base == ''
return []
1 0.000000 endif

" init cache for vimgrep to empty
1 0.000001 let s:grepCache = {}

" Split item in words, keep empty word after "." or "->".
" "aa" -> ['aa'], "aa." -> ['aa', ''], "" -> ['aa', 'bb'], etc.
" We can't use split, because we need to skip nested [...].
" "aa[...]" -> ['aa', '[...]'], "[...]" -> ['aa', 'bb', '[...]'], etc.
1 0.000001 let items = []
1 0.000001 let s = 0
1 0.000001 let arrays = 0
1 0.000001 while 1
1 0.000005 let e = match(base, '\.\|->\|\[', s)
1 0.000001 if e < 0
1 0.000002 if s == 0 || base[s - 1] != ']'
1 0.000003 call add(items, strpart(base, s))
1 0.000000 endif
1 0.000001 break
if s == 0 || base[s - 1] != ']'
call add(items, strpart(base, s, e - s))
if base[e] == '.'
let s = e + 1 " skip over '.'
elseif base[e] == '-'
let s = e + 2 " skip over '->'
" Skip over [...].
let n = 0
let s = e
let e += 1
while e < len(base)
if base[e] == ']'
if n == 0
let n -= 1
elseif base[e] == '[' " nested [...]
let n += 1
let e += 1
let e += 1
call add(items, strpart(base, s, e - s))
let arrays += 1
let s = e
1 0.000001 endwhile

" Find the variable items[0].
" 1. in current function (like with "gd")
" 2. in tags file(s) (like with ":tag")
" 3. in current file (like with "gD")
1 0.000001 let res = []
1 0.000027 if searchdecl(items[0], 0, 1) == 0
" Found, now figure out the type.
" TODO: join previous line if it makes sense
1 0.000002 let line = getline('.')
1 0.000002 let col = col('.')
1 0.000003 if stridx(strpart(line, 0, col), ';') != -1
" Handle multiple declarations on the same line.
let col2 = col - 1
while line[col2] != ';'
let col2 -= 1
let line = strpart(line, col2 + 1)
let col -= col2
1 0.000000 endif
1 0.000003 if stridx(strpart(line, 0, col), ',') != -1
" Handle multiple declarations on the same line in a function
" declaration.
let col2 = col - 1
while line[col2] != ','
let col2 -= 1
if strpart(line, col2 + 1, col - col2 - 1) =~ ' *[^ ][^ ]* *[^ ]'
let line = strpart(line, col2 + 1)
let col -= col2
1 0.000001 endif
1 0.000001 if len(items) == 1
" Completing one word and it's a local variable: May add '[', '.' or
" '->'.
1 0.000001 let match = items[0]
1 0.000001 let kind = 'v'
1 0.000005 if match(line, '\<' . match . '\s*\[') > 0
let match .= '['
1 0.000001 else
1 124.341163 0.000009 let res = s:Nextitem(strpart(line, 0, col), [''], 0, 1)
1 0.000001 if len(res) > 0
" There are members, thus add "." or "->".
1 0.001138 if match(line, '\*[ \t(]*' . match . '\>') > 0
1 0.000003 let match .= '->'
let match .= '.'
1 0.000000 endif
1 0.000000 endif
1 0.000001 endif
1 0.000011 let res = [{'match': match, 'tagline' : '', 'kind' : kind, 'info' : line}]
elseif len(items) == arrays + 1
" Completing one word and it's a local array variable: build tagline
" from declaration line
let match = items[0]
let kind = 'v'
let tagline = "\t/^" . line . '$/'
let res = [{'match': match, 'tagline' : tagline, 'kind' : kind, 'info' : line}]
" Completing "var.", "var.something", etc.
let res = s:Nextitem(strpart(line, 0, col), items[1:], 0, 1)
1 0.000000 endif
1 0.000001 endif

1 0.000002 if len(items) == 1 || len(items) == arrays + 1
" Only one part, no "." or "->": complete from tags file.
1 0.000001 if len(items) == 1
1 0.002090 let tags = taglist('^' . base)
let tags = taglist('^' . items[0] . '$')
1 0.000001 endif

" Remove members, these can't appear without something in front.
1 0.000605 call filter(tags, 'has_key(v:val, "kind") ? v:val["kind"] != "m" : 1')

" Remove static matches in other files.
1 0.008299 call filter(tags, '!has_key(v:val, "static") || !v:val["static"] || bufnr("%") == bufnr(v:val["filename"])')

1 0.017006 0.000618 call extend(res, map(tags, 's:Tag2item(v:val)'))
1 0.000000 endif

1 0.000001 if len(res) == 0
" Find the variable in the tags file(s)
let diclist = taglist('^' . items[0] . '$')

" Remove members, these can't appear without something in front.
call filter(diclist, 'has_key(v:val, "kind") ? v:val["kind"] != "m" : 1')

let res = []
for i in range(len(diclist))
" New ctags has the "typeref" field. Patched version has "typename".
if has_key(diclist[i], 'typename')
call extend(res, s:StructMembers(diclist[i]['typename'], items[1:], 1))
elseif has_key(diclist[i], 'typeref')
call extend(res, s:StructMembers(diclist[i]['typeref'], items[1:], 1))

" For a variable use the command, which must be a search pattern that
" shows the declaration of the variable.
if diclist[i]['kind'] == 'v'
let line = diclist[i]['cmd']
if line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '^'
let col = match(line, '\<' . items[0] . '\>')
call extend(res, s:Nextitem(strpart(line, 2, col - 2), items[1:], 0, 1))
1 0.000000 endif

1 0.000002 if len(res) == 0 && searchdecl(items[0], 1) == 0
" Found, now figure out the type.
" TODO: join previous line if it makes sense
let line = getline('.')
let col = col('.')
let res = s:Nextitem(strpart(line, 0, col), items[1:], 0, 1)
1 0.000000 endif

" If the last item(s) are [...] they need to be added to the matches.
1 0.000002 let last = len(items) - 1
1 0.000001 let brackets = ''
1 0.000001 while last >= 0
1 0.000003 if items[last][0] != '['
1 0.000001 break
let brackets = items[last] . brackets
let last -= 1
1 0.000001 endwhile

1 6.549648 0.000670 return map(res, 's:Tagline2item(v:val, brackets)')

FUNCTION <SNR>77_StructMembers()
Defined: /usr/share/vim/vim82/autoload/ccomplete.vim:496
Called 21 times
Total time: 130.873054
Self time: 130.873054

count total (s) self (s)
" Todo: What about local structures?
21 0.002335 let fnames = join(map(tagfiles(), 'escape(v:val, " \\#%")'))
21 0.000034 if fnames == ''
return []
21 0.000007 endif

21 0.000030 let typename = a:typename
21 0.000021 let qflist = []
21 0.000021 let cached = 0
21 0.000022 if a:all == 0
1 0.000001 let n = '1' " stop at first found match
1 0.000002 if has_key(s:grepCache, a:typename)
let qflist = s:grepCache[a:typename]
let cached = 1
1 0.000000 endif
20 0.000010 else
20 0.000019 let n = ''
21 0.000010 endif
21 0.000020 if !cached
21 0.000019 while 1
21 130.867568 exe 'silent! keepj noautocmd ' . n . 'vimgrep /\t' . typename . '\(\t\|$\)/j ' . fnames

21 0.000335 let qflist = getqflist()
21 0.000279 if len(qflist) > 0 || match(typename, "::") < 0
21 0.000043 break
" No match for "struct:context::name", remove "context::" and try again.
let typename = substitute(typename, ':[^:]*::', ':', '')
21 0.000029 endwhile

21 0.000040 if a:all == 0
" Store the result to be able to use it again later.
1 0.000003 let s:grepCache[a:typename] = qflist
21 0.000014 endif
21 0.000031 endif

" Skip over [...] items
21 0.000035 let idx = 0
21 0.000019 while 1
21 0.000053 if idx >= len(a:items)
let target = '' " No further items, matching all members
21 0.000010 endif
21 0.000083 if a:items[idx][0] != '['
21 0.000039 let target = a:items[idx]
21 0.000006 break
let idx += 1
21 0.000034 endwhile
" Put matching members in matches[].
21 0.000026 let matches = []
45 0.000051 for l in qflist
24 0.000103 let memb = matchstr(l['text'], '[^\t]*')
24 0.000042 if memb =~ '^' . target
" Skip matches local to another file.
24 0.000097 if match(l['text'], "\tfile:") < 0 || bufnr('%') == bufnr(matchstr(l['text'], '\t\zs[^\t]*'))
24 0.000048 let item = {'match': memb, 'tagline': l['text']}

" Add the kind of item.
24 0.000127 let s = matchstr(l['text'], '\t\(kind:\)\=\zs\S\ze\(\t\|$\)')
24 0.000021 if s != ''
24 0.000026 let item['kind'] = s
24 0.000018 if s == 'f'
let item['match'] = memb . '('
24 0.000012 endif
24 0.000007 endif

24 0.000036 call add(matches, item)
24 0.000009 endif
24 0.000007 endif
45 0.000035 endfor

21 0.000039 if len(matches) > 0
" Skip over next [...] items
1 0.000002 let idx += 1
1 0.000000 while 1
1 0.000002 if idx >= len(a:items)
1 0.000003 return matches " No further items, return the result.
if a:items[idx][0] != '['
let idx += 1

" More items following. For each of the possible members find the
" matching following members.
return s:SearchMembers(matches, a:items[idx :], a:all)
20 0.000011 endif

" Failed to find anything.
20 0.000018 return []

Pratyush Yadav

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