Monday, May 4, 2020

:buffers -- I'm probably doing something wrong ;)

Hi All,


Hope you are all maintaining sanity with day 3,592,487 of quarantine.


A question about :buffers.  :buffers shows the buffers that are

available within a given session.  In my case, I open my vim with the



vim -O3 $(find -name '*.h') $(find -name '.*c') $(find -name '*.cpp')


I then cycle through my various buffers with :buf <somefile>.  Today,

something is wrong.  I've got a file bc.h. So, I do


:buf bc.h


and I get back "E93: More than one match for bc.h".  So, I think, hmm,

wonder what I did.  I'll look at the buffers.  But, I have more than 75

buffers on the command line.  When I go to see why I have duplicate bc.h

files, I cannot find them due to the number of buffers.  Unfortunately,

if I press any key, the buffers window exits and I cannot see anything.

I've done some searching on the web but cannot find the correct way to

scroll through the buffers list.


What is the correct way to scroll the buffers list?




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