Monday, June 29, 2020

Re: persistent highlight between marks ?

On 2020-06-29 14:17, Charles Campbell wrote:
> M Kelly wrote:
>> Anyone know of a way to set a start mark and then an end mark and
>> then highlight all text between them ?
>> So that is stays highlighted, even if I move the cursor away or
>> scroll etc.
>> Sort of like a visual mode selection that remains after you move
>> away.
> See :help matchadd for a general solution.

You can do something like

:match Error /\%'<\|\%'>\|\%>'<\%<'>/

to keep the visually-selected range highlighted. If you visually
select something else, use control+L or :redraw to repaint the range.

If you have marks x and y, you can do the same thing (though this
requires that mark x preceeds mark y in the file, otherwise you just
get the endpoints highlighted):

:match Error /\%'x\|\%'y\|\%>'x\%<'y/

Adust "Error" to your favorite highlight group.

That breaks down as matching one of three things (separated by "\|"):

\%'x " the first mark
\%'y " the second mark
\%>'x\%<'y " stuff after 'x but before 'y


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