Friday, June 5, 2020

Re: viminfo do not save registers, but clipboard still set at startup ?

On Fri, Jun 5, 2020 at 7:14 PM M Kelly <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Tony, thanks always for your info.
> My point is the X11 selection and clipboard are empty and my viminfo does not contain any register info, yet after starting vim the + and * regsiters contain info.
> This seems a bit odd to me since:
> 1). I did not save register info and I've confirmed my viminfo does not have any register info in it.
> 2). the X11 selection and clipboard were empty before starting vim and I've comfirmed that via xsel/xclip/etc.
> It just seems a mystery to me how these two registers get filled.
> I'll keep looking, even if just for my own curiosity :-)
> If you clear out your X11 selection and primary and then start vim without a viminfo, are your * and + set with some info ?

I don't know. I mostly use gvim, and there the * and + registers are
set, but if I start Vim in an xterm with my usual vimrc and viminfo,
then :reg doesn't mention them, not even after using :wv in gvim. (My
'viminfo' setting doesn't include the < and s parameters, which means
"save all registers").

I use:
:set vi='1000,!,%,c,r/mnt/ history=200
cb=exclude:cons\\\|linux go=!cgimrLtTp
:help 'viminfo'
:help 'history'
:help 'clipboard'
:help option-backslash
:help 'guioptions'

> It must be some other history/undo or something I am missing.
> take care,
> -m

Best regards,

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