Monday, June 1, 2020

Re: VimScript for Python developers

Hi Bram,

On Mon, Jun 1, 2020 at 5:09 AM Bram Moolenaar <> wrote:

Yegappan wrote:

> I have put together the following gist to help Python developers
> with VimScript:

Very useful!

> Let me know if you have any comments/suggestions.

Some things are identical.  Instead of the reader staring at the text to
spot any differences, how about just saying "the same".  E.g. at the
start of "Comparison Operators".

I have now used a table to compare the various operators.

For dictionaries it would be useful to mention the #{} form:

let d = {'red' : 10, 'blue' : 20}  or  #{red : 10, blue : 20}
let x = {}

I have updated the gist with this.

Some day it would be nice to do the same for Vim9 script.

Once the Vim9 script has all the features as Vim8, I will create
another gist.


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