Friday, August 21, 2020

Re: home setting

* Joseph <> [200821 12:50]:
> Hello, I am using vim 8.1.1 on Windows 10 on a network where we have
> network drives as our home directory: H:. I still have a directory on the C
> drive C:\Users\<username>
> I am trying to set the cdpath variable to the following:
> set cdpath=.,H:\,C:\Users\<username>\Downloads\
> The problem is that this becomes
> cdpath=.,~,~\Downloads\
> If I change my HOME environment variable to C:\Users\<username> it mostly
> works, but of course I want to leave the network drive as the home
> directory. Is there a way to force vim to use the fully qualified path
> names instead of automatically transforming them to ~.
> I believe, though I am not certain, that this worked with vim 8.0.

I'm not sure, but at first glance, this seems like a bug to me. Vim
should not change both "H:\" and "C:\Users\<username>" to "~" when
parsing cdpath.

I assume you are setting this in your vimrc? What does Vim think your
$HOME is immediately before setting cdpath (try adding echo $HOME
immediately before your cdpath command).

I'm adding vim_dev to CC; perhaps someone there can give a more definite


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